Chapter Four

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Lizzie was more excited about the Kierton ball than I was. There was no surpise there. Not even my parents were surprised about that one. Lizzie had managed to pick out her dress, the colors, and how she was going to where her hair. I managed to find some dress and convinced Lizzie I had everything taken care of. The only thing I had taken care of was convincing Lizzie everything was. I wasn't looking forward to upholding the Midford reputation at this stupid ball.

On the day of the ball, when Lizzie was frantically wondering if she chose the right dess, I managed to read and finish a book and started getting ready to go to the ball. I was fitted into my dress and started on my hair without Paula knowing. As far as she knew, I was hiding from Lizzie in my room.

I slipped the small sleeves up my arms. They weren't really sleeves, they were more like off-the-shoulder thick pieces of ribbon or a strip of cloth. The dress was blue with black ribbon edging and white underneath. It reminded me of that girl's dress from Lord Druitt's party. Instead of pink, it was blue, and where the sleeves were, it was replaced with a blue cloth with a black robbon in the middle.

I stepped out of my room when I finished my hair. Unlike Lizzie, I don't need Paula for every aspect of getting ready. I stepped out as I pulled my gloves farther up my arm. By that time, Lizzie was running down the long corridor our rooms were in to retrieve me.

"Selena," Lizzie called.

I stopped and looked at Lizzie. She was wearing her red dress with her red hair band. Yeah, we weren't anythign alike. I wore my hair to the side and she was wearing her pig tails. Lizzie skidded to a hult when she saw me. She stared in awe before she clapped her hands together.

"Selena, you look so beautiful! Look at you! Your color is blue just like Ciel's," she squealed as she traveled around me, scanning everything.

I shuffled the dress a little, glad I was the one that I picked out was one Lizzie didn't pick out for me first.

Soon, we were in the carriage and it was taking us to the Kierton estate. Lizzie was getting more and more excited as we got closer to the estate. I was thinking about other things, like if the one I am betrothed to will be there or if Mother and Father would eventually tell me who it is. Even though I am the older twin, Lizzie got to be betrothed first.

Soon, we were separated and in opposite corners of the ballroom.  I was soon surrounded by people who wondered if I was realted to the ball of energy radiating from the other side of the room. After the last of the people left me, I slowly went back to the corner, glad that the other guys our age wanted to dance with Lizzie.

I know how to dance. It was one of the things our last tutor wanted to make sure we knew how to do. Granted, it was one of the last things he taught us but I seemed to get it more than Lizzie. To me, Lizzie was merely getting practice. Lizzie didn't need to practice much. Ciel doesn't dance much. I knew that from the last soiree we went to. Honestly, I don't think he does dance at all.

After I scanned the ballroom and my gaze fell upon one person. One person and his butler. I honestly thought he wasn't going to come to this ball. He was wearing close to the same color as I was and his butler wore black. Apparently, the queens guard dog either has a scent to follow or he was invited and his butler made him come.

After the dance, I walked over to the boy. He looked more and more dignified than anyone else there. I smiled lightly when I saw him.

"Ciel, I am shocked you're here," I said as I nodded my head to him. "Hello, Sebastian."

"Hello, Lady Selena," Sebastian said as he bowed slightly to me.

"Selena," Ciel said as he looked at me. "If you're here, that means..."

"You got it, Lizzie is here too," I said as I nodded.

Ciel shuddered. He reminded me of that girl at Viscount Druitt's party. I smiled when he stopped. Try being related to her Ciel, I thought as he looked around to see if she was close.

"Don't worry about her seeing you, she and I haven't seen each other since we got here," I said. I looked around. "Ciel, you want to get out of this room and see the terrace? I'm sure you can't stand it much in here."

Ciel started walking with me to the doors that lead to the back terrace. I wanted to ask him why he was really here. I knew it wasn't just because he was invited. I wanted to know what he was working on.

"So, Selena, why did you come?"

"We were invited and Lizzie wanted to get dressed up," I said as I nodded my head toward the general direction of the ball. "Why are you here?"

"There is said to be a killer on the loose that targets kids like us."

"Naturally, you would take any order from Queen Victoria," I said as I looked around. "Any leads on the killer?"

"Yes, he is of nobel blood and targets his victims accordingly," Ciel said as he looked around making sure no one was listening.

"Well, any peticular type? Female? Male? Ages?"

"Mostly people about our age," he said. "Which is why I accepted this invitation. What better way to catch a killer than at a party where he takes them?"

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