Chapter Twenty-Five

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"I went to see Ciel this morning," Lizzie said just after my thought ended.

"Oh? When did you do this?" I asked thinking, I've been up most of the night, how come I didn't hear you leave at all?

"Early this morning," she said excitedly. I wondered if she knew what was supposed to happen last night. "I was there before he got up."

I raised my head. Well, maybe then I was asleep for once last night.

"He was happy for once." Now that really perked my interest. Ciel has never looked truely happy since his parents' deaths. "He even asked me to dance."

I smiled at my younger twin's smile. She was happy that he asked her to dance for once instead of her forcing him to dance like all the other times. Maybe it was Ciel who sent them to us. He would be the only one we knew who would acknowlege both Lizzie and me.

After breakfast, when Lizzie dragged Paula with the mystery package in tow into the den, I headed to the free solitude of my room. I sat on my bay window seat, where I spent the majority of my night last night, and looked at the package. It was black with a decoative ribbon, tied like a gift would be for Christmas. I wodnered who it was from.

I untied the white and black stripped ribbon. Somehow, it reminded me of Sebastian. I leeled back the black wrappings. My heart pounded as I looked at the lid, wondering if Sebastian himself was going to pop out of it like he did the shadows last night. I braced myself as I lifted the lid, expecting everything but what was inside. Blue silk was a lollipop with a card under it. I lifted the lollipop with wonder. It was a Funtom Company lollipop. I could tell by the wrapper around it. I sat the lollipop next to me on the bed and lifted the card.

                    In Memory of
                     Ciel Phantomhive
                   Who died at Aug. 26, 1889
                   AGED 13 YEARS

 Something wasn't right here. I reread the card. It dawned on me what the car meant. The card fluttered to the floor as I clasped my hand around my mouth. Tears filled my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. Ciel can't be dead, I thought. Sebastian and I had a contract. I gave him an order to fulfill. He was supposed to take me when he took Ciel's soul. That was the binding part of our contract, when Sebastian could take my soul.

i heard the ill-fated scream. Lizzie just found out. I looked toward my door, waiting for the reflection of me to burst through the door. Before that happened, I picked up the card and reread it, making sure my tears weren't empty. Sebastian wouldn't let Ciel die without taking his soul, and Sebastian can't take Ciel's soul without taking mine too.

"Selena," Lizzie's sorrowful voice called.

I waited for the bedroom door to swing open hitting the wall. Before I knew it, the oversized door shot open and Lizzie ran in. She ran to me. I stood up and waited for her. She clutched my dress when she reached me. It was time to stop thinking about how Ciel "died" and focus on Lizzie.

"Oh, Selena," she sobbed into the shoulder of my dress. "He's dead; Ciel's dead."

I was thankful she was on the other side and couldn't see my demon's mark if she tried. I held her tightly, trying not to focus on what she was saying. Even though I knew it couldn't be possible because I was still here, it still hurt when I thought about it. I never got to tell him all I wanted to say to him. I knew what happens when I hold everything in and wait until the last minute to tell the person.

"It's going to be alright, Lizzie," I whispered, trying my best to comfort her.

I wanted to tell her to start moving on, but I wasn't even sure I was ready to start moving on.

"I can't believe he is just gone," she said into my shoulder. "We were supposed to marry."

I rolled my eyes when I thought about how jealous I had been whenever Lizzie talked about it. Now, I would give most anything to have it back. I just wanted her to be happy again and stop crying. I remembered what she was like after Madame Red died. I was sure she was crying for those who couldn't, which included Ciel and me for sure.

"I know, I know," I said softly as I pat the back of her head.

I was fighting back the tears as she spelled out what kind of wedding she wanted and who was going to be there. It was like she was trying to console herself. I half listened to what she was saying. It was either to keep me from breaking down and crying with her or to not focus on what she was saying because I knew it would never happen for her. Maybe it was a mixture of both. Either way, I had to be the strong one while Lizzie was breaking down thinking about how she just found outk Ciel was dead after she had just seen him that morning.

"We danced," Lizzie said as she gripped me tighter.

"I know," I repeated, sounding like an idiot. I know that it makes people who are sobbing wrecks feel better, but to the person who isn't the wreck, it kind of makes you feel like a bumbling idiot. "Listen, you can cherish that moment for the rest of your life. Everytime you miss him, just look back and remember that."

Lizzie nodded her head on my shoudler. When she stepped from me, exposing the soaked shoulder she was crying on, she wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks. Her eyes were red and puffy. I looked at her. We maybe identical twins but I was still older than she was.

"Just try to keep your head up, and until the funeral, try to be strong like Madame Red was until the very end."

Lizzie nodded her head in agreement. "I'll try until the funeral." At the word funeral, tears started dripping down her cheeks and off her chin again. Soon, she stopped and wiped them away.

She soon left my room, leaving me alone and making me feel even more lonelier. I was lonely before. Now that I know I couldn't escape this hell I call my life, it seemed to dwell and sit on me like some happiness-sucking shadow.

I snuck out of my room and made my way to the gardens. When I was sure I was hidden, I looked to the sky and stared up at it.

"Sebastian, you lied to me," I started as I sat down near an asile of flowers that grew and helped hide me from my parents. I didn't need them asking me how the hell I managed to kill my twin sisters dream and my betrothed at the same time. "You told me you would bring Ciel back safely. Well, look at him now. He's dead and it is all your fault." A tear escaped from my eye and rolled down my cheek. "I gave you an order, Sebastian, and you couldn't fulfill it."

I looked back up to the sunny day. It just didn't seem as bright as it used to anymore. It seemed...darker. It seemed like a perpetual darkness was ascending onto England. Without Ciel around to guard and police the Underworld while Scotland yard guarded the light and everyone who thought life was normal and no bad ever happened in good ol' England. The same people who would spit on the America's if given the chance. But, that's mostly nobelmen now. So, without Ciel, who is going to police the Underworld like he did?

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