Chapter Twenty-Eight

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One of the Queen's men came to the estate a day or so after Ciel's funeral. Since then, I've been trying to convince myself that the boy I ran into couldn't possibly be Ciel. If I were free like that, I wouldn't stay around here since everyone, including my twin sister, Lizzie, thought I was dead. However, I am not Ciel. I don't know what goes through his mind.

"Is there a Lady Selena Midford at this estate?" the young page asked. He couldn't have been not much older than fifteen.

"This is she," I said as I looked at him wondering why Queen Victoria's page was standing before me asking for my presence.

"This letter is for you from Her Majesty, Queen Victoria," he said as he handed me the sealed envelope.

I took it from him with slight bewilderment. "Thank you," I said as I looked at the seal. It was definately from Queen Victoria.

I closed the door as the page bowed slightly and turned to leave. I stared at the seal, wondering what the Queen wanted from me specifically that she didn't want my parents with me too. I turned it over and stared at my name. In perfect handwriting, it scrolled: Lady Selena Midford. That handwriting was too good for some shmuck to make.

I walked in a stupor to my room, staring at the letter like it was my favorite book. I closed the door behind me and leaned against the wood. I slowly peeled back the seal. For some reason, I wanted to preserve the seal. It isn't everyday the Queen sends anyone a letter who isn't around her a lot. Since I was the first in my family to receive one, I wanted to rub it in my parents' faces.

I opened the letter and started to read it. After reading it the first time, I reread it. I couldn't believe it. The Queen of England wanted to see me in person. I shot up from the floor and began to change my dress. You have to wear your Sunday best when you see the Queen. It's just proper--or so I've heard from our various tutors.

I quickly walked to the front, telling one of our servants to ready the carriage. I had to get to the Queen as soon as I could. You never keep the Queen waiting long when she asks for your presence. I ignored my parents as they stared at me. I turned to Lizzie as I waited for the carriage to come around to the front.

"Where are you going in a hurry, Selena?" Lizzie asked me with a concerned tone.

"Lizzie, you won't believe this. A letter came from Queen Victoria. She requests my presence!" I said excitedly. It was shocking enough that she wanted only me there. What was even more shocking was that she wanted to see me.

"That is wonderful!" Lizzie squealed as she jumped and hugged me.

"I better get going. I can't let the Queen wait too long," I said as I stood straighter and smoothed my dress. "Wish me luck."

I walked out of the manor and into the carriage. I looked to the footman. "To Queen Victoria."

As the message was relayed, the carriage took of quickly. It wasn't long before we entered through the gates and stopped in front of the palace. I got out when one of the Queen's footmen opened my carriage door. He bowed when he saw me. I looked up the staircase and took in a deep breath. After smoothing my dress, I walked up the stairs. There was another page waiting for me.

"You must be Lady Selena Midford," he said politely. He almost reminded me of Sebastian with the way he said it. But, Sebastian is much older than that boy who looked only a couple years older than me.

"Yes," I said as I kept my head high, trying to act lady-like so I didn't tarnish the family name for Lizzie. "Yes, I am."

"Her Majesty, the Queen of England, is waiting for you in the throne room," he said. He looked at me. "Follow me please."

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