Chapter Twenty-Three

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As if things with Ciel being Alois now and the mysterious visit from a grim reaper agent wasn't as weird as things were going to get, I was soon visited by Sebastian. A very desperate looking Sebastian. It wasn't like he knocked on the front door in the middle of the afternoon either. He came in just as I wished Lizzie good night as we went into our bedrooms for the night.

"Lady Selena," he said as he emerged from the darkness of the shadows the night cast.

I jumped. It was just a day full of jumping isn't it? I placed a hand over my chest feeling my heartbeat pound against my chest. You'd think that if I was contracted with a demon nothing could scare me... wrong!

"Sebastian, what the hell are you doing here? Aren't you with Ciel?" I asked almost completely forgetting what I saw at Alois Trancy's estate. Then I remembered after I said it. "Oh, sorry."

"I am worried about My Lord."

"Yes, so am I," I said honestly. "I saw him today, Sebastian. But something was off."

Sebastain stepped closer to me, clearly interested.

"Alois's servant, Hannah, sent me a letter asking me to visit Alois because he wanted to see me. When I got there, Ciel was there and not Alois. He said he was Alois. He believed he was Alois." I fought back the tears. "I tried to convince him he wasn't Alois."

"That's because Claude fused his memories with Alois's."

I gasped. "W-What? Is that even possible?"'

"Yes, if a human's soul is taken, and somehow placed back, it can be fused with another of a similar past. Alois Trancy has a similar past."

"They do?"

"Yes, their worlds were destroyed by flames," Sebastian said. Then he lowered his eyes. "Funny, I don't think Alois is even an Earl to begin with."

I looked at him with wonder. "What? Trancy is an Earl name. Why would you think that?"

"It is not the name I am concerned about, Lady Selena," he said. "It's the person with the name, or the person who used to have the name."

"Used to? Sebastian, tell me what happened. That's an order." He maybe more intimidating than Claude but I can still order him. He and I still have a contract.

Sebastian sighed before looking to me again. "Young Master stabbed Alois."

"What?" You mean to say, he did manage to kill Alois? "Ciel actually killed him?"

Sebastian shook his head with an amused smile. "No, he was alive when Young Master and I left."

"Calude," I said without thinking. It wouldn't have surprised me if Claude killed Alois. My question was why.

"Claude?" Sebastian looked at me. "Claude wouldn't kill Alois until their contract was complete."

"Alois had a contract with Claude?" I asked. When he nodded, I added, "That explains quite a bit." I looked to Sebastian. "Promise me you will return Ciel to his original state. You know, when he knew he was Earl Ciel Phantomhive, head of Funtom, and Guardian of the Underworld."

"You mean, before you saw him today?"

"Do one better, please."

"Is that an order, Lady Selena?" he asked, looking for the magic word for him to carry it out.

I looked at him with a stright face. "Yes," I said. "Bring Ciel back to the state he was before the fires of London." Let's face it, I thought, I loved Ciel most when he was there. Since then, he's changed.

"As you wish, my young master," he said as he bowed and turned to the window where he came from.

"Thank you, Sebastian," I said as he disappeared out my window.  When he was gone, I walked to my changing curtain and changed for bed.

I looked out the window once my nightgown was on. I  knew it was going to be one of the longest nights of my life. I looked out to the moon. It was a good thing of Sebastian to start going after Ciel at night. No one can see him as easily at night.


The night; darkness where my new life with Sebatian and Ciel when I contracted with Sebastian to save Ciel. I still remembered that day like it was yesterday. I remembered what I was wearing and how it felt to have almost lost Ciel forever. I even remembered how it felt to get my demon mark when Sebastian and I made the contract.

I lightly touched my shoulder where Sebastian decided to put his seal. I still have no idea why he had a smile on his face or why he picked my shoudler as a place to brand me. After all, he did pick Ciel's eye as a place to stamp his seal.

I thought about Ciel's smile. He never smiled that often, but when he did, it was like I could see his father in him. When he's older, I told myself, he is going to look just like his father. His father was handsome, of what I remember of him. No wonder Madame Red told me she fell for him before he married Rachel.

Thinking of that made me think of Lizzie and me. Lizzie, since she found out her and Ciel were betrothed to each other, has loved Ciel with everything. I've loved Ciel for as long as I can remember even if my parents thought I didn't deserve Ciel. Besides, who figures out who I deserve or not?

I looked to the moon and stars in the dark navy sky. "Madame Red, I know I said I wanted things to change, but I didn't want them to change this quickly and I sure as hell didn't want Ciel to think he was Alois."

I got up from my seat and made my way over to my bed, where I still kept the book I loved hidden. I pulled it out from under my pillow and walked back to where I was sitting. I opened it, making sure I coudl still read it with the moonlight. I flipped it to the demon chapter, like I always did after visiting Ciel and before I contracted with one.

"Demons, sometimes known as the devil, are crafty creatures who feed on the souls of the humans they contract with." Yeah, no kidding. "Sometimes, the demons, in order ot be close to those they contract with, will pose as a friend, brother, or, in the case of nobility, a butler." Alright, I should ave guessed that one when Ciel showed up again and he had a butler dressed in black by his side. "Demons crave a pure soul. One that has seen so much but still remains loyal to whoever they were before the contract was made with their demon." There is no such thing. Not even Ciel at that "perfect soul" this book talks about. "There is a rare demon that can contract with two souls at the same time. The circumstances are proof that it can be done. However, saving someone is one of those circumstances where it depends on the demon."  I read a little closer. Maybe I didn't think or read close enough when I read this all those times. Maybe there was something I missed. "Demons, when contracted to one, is obligated to save them as much as they can. They have the ability to." I widened my eyes when I read that. I didn't need to contract with Sebastian, although it was the best night of my life when I did. He would have saved Ciel anyway. "Demons also possess the ability to make humans into demons themselves. However, it is only with a pure soul. Typically, the person turned into a demon will disappear or fake their death in order to avoid people looking for them." Maybe that's what Alois did when I went to see him. Maybe. "When a demon contracts when a soul, the more noticible it is, the more bonded they are to each other." I touched my mark. Since I couldn't see it, I wondered how noticible it was. Was it anything like Ciel's? Or was it something you had to look closely for? Then I remembered Ciel seeing it for the firs time. Yes, it was noticable. "There is a rare demon that shows a stronger connection than demon and soul. They start to care about their victims." If I didn't know anything, I knew that Sebastian and Ciel did not fall under that category. I knew Ciel depended on Sebastian a lot, but I wouldn't think that Sebastian would care about Ciel.

I looked back to the moon, wondering what was happening with Sebastian since Ciel thinks he is Alois. After all, I did order him to bring Ciel back from whatever hell Claude put him in. Please, please, please, I thought, please make sure Ciel is safe. I don't know who I was directing that towards, but I just wanted it to happen since I knew something terrible was going to happen.

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