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Compton, CA 📍


"Eric can't you stay home with me tonight" I begged him.

I didn't want him to hang out tonight, especially if he is going to hang out with Ace and his friends. I sat in the front seat of his Impala with my arms folded across my chest staring at him. I rolled the windows down letting the warm night wind brush across my face. It was a beautiful night in California. The palm trees swayed side to side gently as Whitney Houston's "Saving all my love for you" played lowly on the radio.

Eric looked at me. "Aww big ass baby don't want her man to leave" he teased as we hit the interstate towards our home.

If he knew why I didn't want him to hangout he wouldn't be joking around. This can't be happening. What are the odds that two dudes I deal with are about to chop it up? Shit doesn't make any sense to me.  we decided to stop by in-N-out before he finally took me home. Eric pulled up in the drive thru.

"Welcome to In-N-Out, how may I help you?"

"Ummmmm. lemme get uhhhhhhh..." Eric dragged.

I stared at him because he was being extra as hell. I sucked my teeth causing him to stop. He finally ordered something so simple, some fries and a milkshake while I ordered a cheese burger and a large strawberry shake. He pulled his car slowly around to the window. The young lady that was in the drive thru had to be about 16 years old. She opened the window and froze.

"Oh-Oh my god Your Eazy E! she stammered as her mouth dropped.

I seen Eric smile. "Yeah how you doing?"

"OH MY GOD I Have all your posters and I have your CD I LOVE IT SO MUCH " she screamed while jumping up and down in her uniform

I couldn't help but to smile. To see the impact this fucker got on people is inevitable. I couldn't imagine someone acting this way for me. not now not ever. She started gaining attention from her other coworkers that came to the window, and in a ripple effect they all screamed.

"Yo E man I'm a rapper too was sup with the was sup get me out this punk ass job" the light skinned kid with a headset said while reaching his arm out the window to dap Eric up.

"Oh yeah? Lemme hear something?

The kid started spitting his rhymes, which was pretty dope. It was cute to see his coworkers hype him on as he flowed. Eric smiled as he bobbed his head to the kid lyrics. People don't see stuff like this, all they see is this asshole Eazy-E, but this is Eric. The guy I fell for.

I smiled as I reached in the backseat to get my purse. That smiled erased when I see a box of XL Magnum condoms laying on the floor in the backseat. This muthafucka here. I shook the box and seen that it hasn't been open. Hold up, this is a fresh box. Is he not using protection and cheating and then sleeping with me? Or is he re-upping on his jimmy hats so he can go all out. I bit the inside of my cheek as I felt my hands started shaking. I turned around in the front seat, with a stale ass face expression.

"That was dope man I may have to sign you lil homie" Eric dapped the kid up.

The kid froze with a look of anticipation on his face. "For real man. I'll quit this shit right now" He screamed and clapped his hands with the serious face causing everyone to burst into laughter.

"Hold up man keep your job, stay in school and come to ruthless records Monday morning" Eric nodded. He got our food and signed some receipt papers for the kids at the window. We finally pulled off going back home.

From Compton with Love |A Eazy E x Nicki Minaj novel • COMPLETED |Where stories live. Discover now