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"Mom?" I said, grabbing a woman's shoulder and turning her around.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I don't know." I said confused. "Whats going on? Where am I?" 

"Sweetie, can you tell me what happened?"

"I-I don't know. Their was a pain, then nothing."

"Well, honey. I'm not sure how to tell you this but-"

I gasped. Quickly pulling as much oxygen into my lungs. Percy grabbed my face and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. His hands were covered in blood. I groaned in pain.

"I know, I know." A voice said, from behind me. I was lying on my side in a pool of blood, Percy's hands were holding me still, while another set of hands were on my back.

"She's still bleeding." Percy said.

"I know, I'm trying to stop it." He said quickly. "I've already used a lot of my energy bringing her back. I tried to get up but Percy held me down.

"It's okay, just stay down." I rested my head on the ground and flinched in pain, until I passed out.


I woke up, once again in a pool of blood. This time it was cold and mostly dry. I guess no one bothered to move me. Percy was asleep sitting up against a wall, and a boy with dark hair was beside me. I flinched as I sat up. I leaned over to look at the boys face. It was Jacob, his glasses were still on his face. So I'm assuming that he passed out after he had used too much energy to heal me. He didn't look much like a son of Apollo, but I suppose looks can be deceiving. I gave him a small shake and his eyes flickered open a little. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"How do you feel?" He whispered quietly as to not awaken Percy.

"I'm okay. What are you doing here?" I whispered back.

"Percy saw me and dragged me in here. He said if I didn't help you he would kill me for leading you both into a trap."

"Did you know it was going to be a trap?"

"No, I was only told to tell you to go see Hades." I didn't expect the trap. Hades isn't even here. The castle is empty.

"Well, I'm going to guess that, that isn't normal." 

"No, I've been here for awhile now, since he kidnapped me. And the castle hasn't been empty like this before."

"Wait, Hades kidnapped you?"

"Yeah, I've been down here for like a year now. Hades mostly uses me as a servant, and because I'm not much of a fighter, I haven't been able to find a good way to get out."

"Have you even tried to get out?"

"Only once when he first kidnapped me, He almost killed me."

"Fun." I said sarcastically. "So any idea's why Hades isn't here?"

"I have one idea, but you should get some more sleep. We'll talk more in the morning."

"Fine, I'll go back to sleep as long as i don't have to sleep in my blood anymore." Jacob helped me up, and over to a different spot. I lied down on the floor, and fell asleep instantly.


In the morning I was the first one awake again. Percy was flopped over on the ground and Jacob was mumbling stuff in his sleep. I groaned as a pushed myself into a sitting position. I looked back down where i was lying and their was a small pool of blood. I took off my sandals and threw them the best I could at Percy and Jacob. Percy quickly woke up cause I managed to hit him in the head, and I missed Jacob entirely. Percy grabbed my sandals and sat down next me.

"Hey." He said gently. "How do u feel?"

"Well... Okay-ish. Considering the circumstances. Also I'm still bleeding." Percy quickly looked at my back.

"I'm going to wake up Jake." He said handing me my sandals. He quickly shook Jacob. Jacob complained as he opened his eyes. "Shush." Percy said. "Sam's still bleeding." Jake rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Still?" He asked looking at me. I nodded. He quickly came over to me, and checked my back. "At least its not as bad as last night, its only bleeding a little. Its probably from you moving around last night. Give me a minute." I felt pain on my back, then warmth.

"You're getting better at that." I said, considering last time it hurt quite a bit.

"Well, I didn't have to revive you from the dead, this time so..." He said trailing off.

"Yeah, I guess that's true."

"Man, I wish I had some bandages or something." Jacob said sitting on his knees.

"Those would probably be pretty handy." I said. "Are we still in Hades palace?" I asked looking around.

"Yeah, we are." Percy said.

"Its big." I said admiring the black marble stonework.

"Yeah, and empty. Im not sure where Hades is." Percy said. "Last I checked he is usually here. considering he summoned us. Where do you think he is?" Percy asked Jacob.

"I don't know he is usually here." Jacob said. "Maybe we should check the throne room." He said getting up. "Come on." He said helping me up. Percy followed behind me, as Jake led us to the throne room. We looked around but just like the rest of the palace it was empty.

"Sam." Percy called. I walked over to the throne and he pointed out a white envelope taped to the wall with my name on it. I walked over to it and ripped it off the wall. I carefully opened it and unfolded the piece of paper inside. In thick black letters, written in charcoal, it read:

I have taken Hades, and soon to be the other gods. Prove too me that your powers are true. Find me in the darkest corner of hell. One way or another you will be mine.

"Hades has been kidnapped." I said, still staring at the note.

"What?" Percy said, coming up beside me and reading the note over my shoulder. Jake came up on the other side of me.

"Oh my gods." He said.

"I suppose we have to rescue him right? Otherwise won't the underworld get all out of wack?" I asked. Percy kept staring at the note.

"I know where we have to go." Percy said.

"Where?" I asked.


The Gods 3: The UnderworldWhere stories live. Discover now