Chapter 5

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I stood there shocked as Nathan's unmoving body laid on the floor in front of Denny's. People stood there with their phones out, no one thought about calling the ambulance.

I pulled out my phone and dialled 911, my fingers shaking as the image of his bloody chest and his unmoving body imprinted itself to my brain.

"911, what's your emergency?" A calm voice said through the receiver. I couldn't get words out, my thoughts were frozen and enveloped in pure shock.

"He, he's on the sidewalk with b-blood trailing down his chest and is unconscious. He's in front of Denny's on Adelaide street. Please hurry up." I said with urgency and horror laced in my voice.

"Okay mam, keep calm, help will arrive shortly." I nodded even though she couldn't see me and then the line went dead.

I quickly crossed the street and basically ran to Nathan's unconscious body.

I crouched down and touched his paling face. What looks like a couple of stab wounds decorated his white shirt and had blood pouring out of them.

I quickly checked for a heartbeat by putting my ear to the left part of his upper chest. A faint beat could be heard and a weight lifted off of my heart.

"Nathan?" I asked as I stroked his face again. His eyes didn't open and he still laid there. Unconscious. Barely breathing.

Soon sirens came into my hearing distance but they were drowned out by my thoughts.

Maybe this is all my fault. If I have been here, maybe this would've never happened.

Guilt started to eat me up whole and tears stung my eyes. A guy with a side bag which looked as heavy as I am on his shoulder started to walk towards me with two guys following behind.

They picked up Nathan's body and placed him on the stretcher as they started to walk back to the ambulance.

"Wait!" I said as I jogged towards the van. "I'm coming as well." I felt my voice crack and a look of desperation masked all of my other emotions. 

"Who are you to this young man?" One of the guy asked with narrowed eyes.

"I'm his girlfriend." I lied. Well, fake girlfriend. And that's not even official yet.

He nodded and then let me in. I got in from the back. Inside, the right side had a narrow couch like seat with seat belts. I sat on it and pulled the seat belt around me.

Two of the men got into the back with me, whereas the other one went to the front, I'm guessing to drive.

Nathan was a foots distance in front of me with the two men trying to keep him alive until we get to the hospital.

One of them was performing tests, like his blood pressure and blood count.

The other one was cleaning out the wounds. They had already taken his now red stained shirt off and started to examine the cuts.

They wrote down different things and results for their tests.

The ambulance thrashed a bit, and they stumbled a lot because of them standing in a moving vehicle.

They asked me a few questions but I was no help since I wasn't there to witness what happened.

The ambulance stopped and we got out through the middle door of the ambulance. They rushed him into one of the emergency rooms and I trailed behind.

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