Chapter 11 - The Snuggly Duckling

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Jack POV

By the time Elsa and Jack made it home, it was already morning.

Jack thought Elsa looked miserable as if her whole body ached. Probably due to the lack sleep she's gotten.

When they walked into the institute Jack headed to the kitchen with Elsa following, "You hungry?" he grinned at Elsa.

"Starving," said Elsa. As if on cue, Jack heard her stomach rumble.

When they entered the kitchen, Jack was surprised to find Hiccup, Merida, and Elinor standing there, all looking worried.

"Where were you two?" Elinor shouted. Jack's known Elinor for years so she's practically become a second mother to him, which also never stopped her from yelling at him when he's done something wrong.

"Out taking a walk," Jack wasn't entirely lying, he just kept the whole truth from them. Elsa should be the one to tell them about her sleepwalking, not him.

He floated up until he finally settled on sitting on the kitchen counter. His favorite blue crocs were filthy with mud and dried blood. He hoped Elinor wouldn't notice.

"You two could have been kidnapped by Pitch's Nightmares!" Elinor yelled. To Jack, Elinor's shouting was sometimes more frightening than the Nightmares.

"I'm sorry," Elsa said, "It was my fault. I asked Jack to come with me." Her blue eyes looked guiltily at Elinor.

"It doesn't matter anymore, it already happened." Elinor groaned, she looked back at him, "Jack, someone is here to see you. Please go to the dining room."

Without answering her, he lazily floated off the kitchen counter and walked over to the next room.

When he entered the room, he put his arms up. "Listen, if this is about that Nightmare I dropped into the ocean, it wasn't me." Jack said.

"Hey! There he is, Jack Frost!" North yelled happily, arms spread, with his thick Russian accent. Clearly, he hadn't regarded what Jack had said earlier.

"Wow," Jack said looking around very surprised, "You've got to be kidding me." They must have brought the whole north pole Guardian army.

Like all institutes, theirs was made to hold a vast number of Guardians. But those rooms were rarely ever used because no situation has happened like this before.

He looked at all the tiny elves and huge yetis' surrounding the main Guardians. All the elves and yeti's looked sweet and innocent but Jack knew they were trained to fight.

Jack looked at Toothiana, he hadn't seen her for almost a year now. Her fairies were not as beautiful as she, he thought. She represented the fairy kingdom on the Guardian council.

"We're really here on Guardian business, mate," Bunnymund said. He hated Jack, once telling him that he was only an immature teenager who didn't deserve the title as the best Guardian his age. But he was really the best Guardian his age, killing more Nightmares than anyone his age.

"Look who hopped by." Jack and Bunny gave each other dirty looks, "I must have done something really bad to get you all here. Why am I here anyway?" Jack said.

"We are not here for you." North said, "Although, we should be arresting you on account of your numerous acts of breaking the law."

"No, but thanks for the offer." Jack was about to leave the room when a yeti grabbed him. He knew he could have taken him down but he didn't want to protest against the most important Guardians on the planet.

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