Getting in...

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The car stopped.

Raj looked outside and grimaced.

"So, Mrs. Raj, here we are!" He faced Simran with a blank expression. "Test number one. Fake smile and annoying thank yous to the ones who praise our 'jodi'. Ha!"

Simran had a knowing grin on her face. "Simran sounds much better than Mrs. Raj. I think you should get used to it. As it is, we are filing for a divorce soon and..."

"Oh yes! And you are too desperate to get a divorce. You know what, I'm even more desperate. But the problem is we are celebrities. Sadly, it is difficult for celebrities to just say bye-bye anytime."

"But the fact exists."

"For now," Raj removed his Aviators. "The fact is that you are my wife, at least in the eyes of our fans. So, just stop being annoying and let's move." He wore his Aviators.

Simran smiled and looked away. "Fine. Let's just move out and put on our fake masks."

As she was about to open the door of the car, Raj said, "Wait!" Simran turned towards him.

"With fake masks, we need to fake anticipation and love even. So, as a fake loving husband, it is my duty to open the door for you, isn't it?"

Simran nodded from left to right with a smile. "Sure. Go ahead. But before that, take off those aviators. With your clean shaven look, it is not the best match."

"Thank you!" Raj faked a smile and unwillingly removed his aviators, placing it carefully in the box placed near him.

Looking away, he took a deep breath and put on a fake smile once again and opened the door.

Their eyes were welcomed to large crowds cheering for Raj and Simran. They have been the crowd's favorite but today was special. A live event for the fans where more than 10,000 people would be present. Moreover, it is even an event where Raj will talk about his movie to be released next Friday. Simran would talk about her upcoming movie projects.

Raj looked around and fans were going mad. He had a satisfying smile on his face before he waved out to the masses. With his wave, cheers only got louder.

I wish I could maintain this for years to come. But the divorce would just ruin it all.

But the thought did not affect the smile on his face. He stepped ahead and closed the door. Walking towards the other door of the car, he gestured the namaste and aadaab.

Opening the door, he looked at Simran and extended his arm. Simran even had a fake smile on her face as she accepted the offer and moved out of the car. Simran looked around and the cheers looked like this would never stop.

I know I'll lose a major chunk after divorce, but I think it is for the good. She thought.

"Shall we?" Raj placed his hand on her shoulder and looked at her.

Simran looked into Raj's eyes and said, "Sure."

They smiled and waved at the crowd while moving towards the entrance.

On their way, there were presenters, media and more with so much on their mind. Their cluttered questions had one straight answer from Raj. "My dear, our actual interview is to begin soon. Do share your questions with Raman. We'll answer them."

They moved in and as the doors closed behind them, the chants and cheers were reduced to a great extent. The couple stood there and simply waved smilingly to everyone outside.

"Keep smiling." Raj said.

"Don't even bother looking at me. I know it better than you." Simran replied.

"Good for you."

"Just shut up now."

Seema, a random fan, standing outside said, "I always wonder what celebrities say without even looking at each other."

"They talk angrily while showing off like they are smiling. All fake." A random guy wearing an elephant hat and thick nerdy glasses replied.

Seema looked at the stranger with a death stare. "They are the best jodi. They can never talk angrily to one another."

The guy gave her a puppy face expression.

"Aww! Say anything against Raj and Simran and I'll tell my boyfriend to cut you into pieces and eat you with his chop sticks."

"Okay, that is weird. By the way, I'm..."

"I don't care who you are, but my boyfriend will find you and eat you."

"I'm straight."

"I didn't mean that. And by the way, that silly ugly cap and thick glasses makes you look gay. And now piss off man."

The guy narrowed his eyes and looked away.

Raj and Simran turned around and started walking with eased expressions.

From the opposite side, a volunteer paced towards the couple and greeted them. "Hello sir. Hello ma'am. Your waiting room is this way." He guided them to the waiting room.

Opening the door of the room, he made way for the couple to enter the room. The couple walked in.

"Raman sir will be here to greet you in the next five minutes. Please make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you." Echoed the couple and the volunteer left.

Raj turned around, dumped himself in the chair and closed his eyes. "All of a sudden, an hour looks like a challenging task."

"45 minutes to be accurate." Simran sat on the chair next to him and closed her eyes.

"I know but you know Raman. He will make things difficult."

"Didn't you give him the list of questions?"

"I have. But he loves adding masala to every freaking question. It is totally annoying."

"Yeah! But bear it for some time. I'm bearing you for years now."

Raj opened his eyes and turned towards Simran. "What?"

"Fine. We have been bearing each other for years now. This is just an hour long interview."

Raj moved into his resting position again. "Yeah! I know that."

"But you know what..."

Knock! Knock!

I will kill that person knocking. Simran was talking to me peacefully and lovingly, without any dialogues or script! Raj thought.

I wanted to tell Raj that he look really handsome. Thanks to the guy who knocked and saved me from the embarrassment. Simran thought.


Do share your thoughts on this part :D

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