The Selfie Finale

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As Simran and Raj switched places again, Naina said, "Ma'am, from the time you have come here, I wanted to ask you. That perfume scent of yours is just wow."

"Thank you." Simran turned towards Raj. "I hope you know which perfume do I use." She winked.

"Ah, Yeah! Armani. No. Tuscany." Raj stumbled.

"Oh, I had a feeling it is Cool Waters," Naina said.

"Is it?" Raj looked at Simran.

Although Simran wanted to say yes, she smilingly said, "No. It is Tuscany."

"Okay, so we have to move on to the next session now," Raman said. "The next session is where we will have some questions from the media and audience members."

Raj and Simran had a fake smile on their faces because they knew that they are being followed closely and it is possible that they the media or audience members would stump them with a googly. With a pre-planned set of questions coming to an end, the couple had no idea about what was in store for them in this section. Secretly, they prayed that nothing relating to their relationship pops up in anyone's mind.

Raj looked at his watch. It was 8:35 p.m. He knew this session would not last for more than seven minutes, but in ten minutes, a number of questions and more than that, a number of controversies could have been created because of their troubled relationship.

"Now this will be fun," The ugly hat guy smiled. "Hypocrites will be exposed."

Seema closed her eyes tight, controlling her urge to hit him hard.

The guy turned towards Seema and said, "See, I didn't mean it that way."

With flaring nostrils, she took a deep breath. Then, opening her eyes, she kept looking towards the stage and said, "Don't worry about me. Just kept on nagging. I freaking don't care about what you say."

"So, we'll have the media round first," Raman announced.

Sitting in the first row were media members ready with questions in their mind and mic in their hand.

The first gentleman got up and said, "Hello sir. Hello, ma'am. I'm Karthik Thakur from ATOG news. First of all, best of luck for your upcoming movie Raj sir."

"Thank you," Raj replied.

"My question is to Raj sir. Sir, your last film was criticized by many people. People think that you are only trying to cash on your star power instead of coming up with good films. Your thoughts on this?"

"Well," Raj cleared his throat. "I agree there have been some shortcomings in my previous flicks, but this one will have positive reviews. I'm sure. Moreover, my wife is producing this movie. I have to give my best. Haha." He placed his hand on Simran's hand.

"Thank you, sir."

As Karthik sat, the old lady with thick glasses got up and smilingly said, "Good evening Raj and Simran."

"Good evening ma'am." Raj and Simran greeted the lady.

"My question is... before that best of luck Raj for your upcoming movie."

"Thank you." Raj smiled.

"My question is that since you two have been a successful couple of the last 24 years, what advice would you like to give to young couples? Couples today face so many problems, and issues only escalate with every passing year."

Simran sat there tight-lipped, and Raj scratched his head.

"I think," Simran said, "For a successful marriage, understanding is important. If you understand your partner, there would be no problems in a relationship."

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