The confusion

449 27 23

8: 05 p.m.

"Are we ready for the moment?"

The crowd echoed a YES!

"So in 3... 2... 1..."

Firecrackers burst, and a lift with golden glitters started coming down from nowhere. The crowd could see the couple waving out to everyone. It looked like the crowd's cheering would never stop.

As the lift touched the floor, the gate was opened by Raman and Naina. The focus was on Raj and Simran, and no one else really did matter to the audience.

Moving out of the lift, Raj moved forward and bowed to the audience. Simran waved to another set of audience.

Security guards tightened up their hold to ensure no one would try to get really close to the couple.

"Raj sir and Simran Ma'am, would you like to say something?" Raman said.

Raj smiled as he looked around. Simran said, "Before we begin, I have a question in my mind. Can I ask?"

The crowd echoed a YES!

"Who's your favorite? Raj or Simran?"

Raj narrowed his eyes and looked at Simran. Then, turning towards the crowd, he gestured at himself.

In the audience, some said Raj and some shouted Simran.

"I guess they want to say that the jodi is what they are rooting for, isn't it people?" Raman said.

The crowd started shouting Raj-Simran repeatedly.

Fail. Raj thought and smiled.

Simran looked at Raman and shook her head.

"Sir, ma'am, please take a seat."

Raj and Simran moved to the designated sofas. Raman sat on the sofa adjacent to the couple. Naina sat on the sofa opposite to Raman.

"Before we begin," Raj sat upright. "Let me tell you guys that my film is coming up this weekend." Turning towards Raman, he continued, "Actually, in our conversation, if we forget about the promotion of the movie, my producer who is coincidently my wife, will not like it. Haha."

Naina laughed.

Raj turned towards Naina with a raised eyebrow. "Why are you smiling? You are there in the movie too. Shamelessly promote it."

Naina giggled. "Okay," turning towards the audience, she said, "This weekend our movie is coming up, please book your seats now."

"No no. Not now, after the interview; otherwise everyone will be doing tick tick and no one will listen to us. Right?"

"Ohkay. Book your tickets after the show." Naina said.

"But it is okay if they book the tickets now even."

Naina looked at Raj and crossed her arms. Turning towards Simran, she smilingly said, "He is so mean!"

"I know. I live with him." Simran replied.

"Okay so once again, don't forget to watch their movie coming up this weekend and now we need to begin our interview." Raman smiled.

"Sure," Raj said.

"Sure," Simran said.

"So, let's begin with the questions. The first question is for..."

"Wait wait. This is for Simran ma'am? That question?" Naina interrupted

"Yes. It is that question." Raman replied.

"Can I ask this question?"

Raman opened his mouth to protest when Naina continued, "If you insist, I'll ask."

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