Simran's favorite memory of Raj

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"It's been three years since the best Jodi appeared on the screen. When do you think the audience will enjoy the experience of watching you two together again on the big screen?" Raman asked smilingly.

"Never," Simran replied with a smile while looking at Raj. Raj shook his head with a smile.

Let go of your ego Simran. STOP! Simran thought.

Raman had his eyes wide open, and the smile on his face faded instantly.

Almost everyone in the huge stadium had something to whisper.

"You mean never again, or the movie's name will be titled 'Never'?" Naina asked.

"Smart. Really smart Naina." Raj smiled and sat upright. "But what Simran meant was that we would 'never' do a movie if the script is weak. And at our age, it is really difficult to get a script that will make us look good, feel good and allow the audience to appreciate our efforts too. Isn't it Simran?"

"Yup." Simran faked a smile.

"Okay Simran ma'am," Naina said. "What is your favorite memory of Raj sir?"

"Favorite memory? Let me think... umm... maybe when he proposed me the first time." Simran said.

"How did he propose you?" Naina gazed at Simran with focus.

"Well, he had a bouquet of roses, a big card that said 'I LOVE YOU,' a ring, and a necklace."

"You are forgetting the most important part, my dear," Raj interrupted with a smile. "You guys know that hotel rooftop is her favorite spot. So, I got in touch with the manager of SeaRock hotel here in Mumbai. It was quite famous at that time. It had a circular revolving restaurant, and it was too expensive. At that time, in the early 1990s, I was still famous as a TV actor only. So, it was difficult to convince the manager that I had enough money to book the entire restaurant for an hour. With great difficulty, I convinced him, and the slot I got was 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., and I was excited and nervous. So, I called Simran and told her to be at the hotel since a producer was interested in giving her a role in a movie. She agreed. I got ready and was there at the hotel from 5 p.m. I got the arrangements ready with the red carpet, music, roses, card, and all. 6 p.m. I was ready with everything and waited. 7 p.m. I waited. 7:30 p.m. I waited. Finally, at 7:45, I was updated that Simran had arrived. I thought 15 minutes are more than enough. But she didn't come up. 7: 55 I enquired with the reception and they said she has got into the lift at the same moment she arrived. It was confusing and..."

"It wasn't my fault." Simran interrupted with a laugh. "The liftman told me there was a jewelry exhibition on the first floor. What could I do? At that time, I wasn't really rich. So, I thought if I have come here, I should explore all possibilities." She turned towards Naina. "Didn't I do the right thing?"

Naina giggled.

"But then? What happened?" Raman asked.

"Then, finally at 7: 58 she reached the restaurant, and the music started playing immediately. Then..."

"Okay wait wait wait," Naina said. She turned towards the audience and said, "Don't you think that if we are talking about proposals, we should see Raj sir proposing Simran ma'am live here today?"

The crowd echoed a YES!

"But listen what happened next..." Raj tried to say but was interrupted by Naina again. "No Raj sir. We want to see you propose Simran and let's recreate the same scene here. Isn't it people?"

The crowd echoed a YES!

"Okay then, Raman get the red carpet," Naina said.

"Oh, although I wanted the same thing, I'll still say that you know this is my show." Raman raised the eyebrow.

"So, that is why I'm allowing you to get the red carpet na." Naina giggled.

"Oh, yeah! Thank you. Thank you for the privilege and..."

"Stop thanking me. You are wasting time. Go, fast."

Raman smiled and gave some directions to the volunteers. Within the next few minutes, the red carpet was ready with live music, roses, card, and a special piece of a necklace from the sponsor packed neatly in a box.

With the arrangements almost done, Raman said, "Raj Sir, what were you wearing at that time?"

"Clothes. You had any doubt there?" Raj folded his arms across his chest.

"Haha. Sir, I meant you were wearing a suit or something or like just a casual outfit?"

"Actually, I was wearing a black coat just like the one you are wearing now. Mind lending it to me?"

"This one," Raman rubbed his chin and then with a smile said, "Sure."

He removed his coat and passed it to Raj who accepted it with his trademark laugh.

"Haha," Naina moved closer to Raj. "But Raj, tell me one thing..."

"This is what happens when you allow kids to be your co-stars. A minute ago it was Raj sir, and now it is Raj." Raj laughed.

"Haha. Yeah! Get used to it Raj."Naina laughed. "Okay, what I wanted to say is that I'll ask a riddle and you'll have to answer. Okay?"

"I'll try my best, but I know I won't get it. I know my level." Raj pressed his lips tight.

"Okay. Priya cleans Vinita's house, and Vinita cleans Priya's house. Why?"

"Wh... Priya cleans Vinita's house and Vinita cleans Priya's house?" Raj asked.

"Yeah! But why?" Naina replied.

"Maybe because they... I... I don't know." Raj said.

"Anyone?" Naina looked at Simran and then Raman.

Simran shook her head.

"Because they were mad?" Raman said.

"Oh, so close but the right answer is – Because they were maid for each other. You see, M A I D. Haha." Naina's eyes sparkled.

Everyone glared at Naina.

"You guys didn't get the joke? Seriously?" She glanced at the trio.

Raman cleared his throat. "Okay, so Naina, well tried and I think we are ready with the arrangements and I think we should get ready for the moment we have been waiting for!"

"Haha. That was so dumb. Poor Joke." Seema laughed.

"Hey! Don't say that. Please! Naina was trying to make someone laugh, instantly!" The ugly hat guy replied.

"Ha! But that was a poor joke."

"Is it?" The guy moved his hands in his pocket and removed three Rs. 1,000 notes. "Here are 3,000 rupees. Tell me a joke instantly."

Seema raised her eyebrows.

"Any random joke?"

"See, I'm not interested."

"Maybe you cannot think of one." He winked.

"Go to hell."

"Just go to hell, Dil!"

Seema glared at him.

His smile faded. He cleared his throat and kept money back in his pocket. "Umm... All I wanted to say is that you should respect someone's 'poor' jokes even at times." He nervously smiled.

I know my chapters are short, but I'm still am amateur writer who is working on ways in which I will finally be in a position to  write long chapters :D

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