17- Pranking war

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Hannah's pov

I hear Jc yell at Kian for waking us up and I laugh at him.

"So, Hannah we can't get coffee... Want some Mountain Dew?" Vanessa asks

"Ugh! Yea whatever." I say irritated.. She hands it to me and I take a sip. I put it down and talk to everyone till I see Jc run down the stairs

"Give me some!" He says taking a sip. But something VERY unexpected happens... It blows up in his face. Everyone busts out laughing and I see Vanessa recording it... I'm glad that isn't me.

"That was so much better than I expected. Going on twitter with this picture of you cuddling!" Vanessa says

"WAIT-WHAT?!" I say chasing after her with Jc close behind. I pin her to the ground

"Give. Me. The. Phone! We haven't gone public yet. Don't you dare!" I say

"Hannah, get off her." Ricky says. Then someone pulls me off her and throws me over their shoulder. I thrash around trying to get out of the grip... But I fail. Here I am... Staring at someone's butt. AGAIN.

"Who's butt am I staring at this time" I ask annoyed

"Take a guess" Jc says laughing

"Put me down!" I say thrashing around again

"Yea.. No can do.. By the looks you were going to murder her." He says laughing

"Fine Jc. Be like that. VANESSA. I DECLARE A PRANK WAR!! ME AND JC AGAINST YOU AND RICKY!" I yell to Vanessa

"Yea..... I can't hear out of that ear now. Thanks." He says sarcastically

"PREPARE TO LOSE!" Vanessa yells

"Yea ok" I say

"Hey... Jc put me down. NOW." I say irritated

"Geeze feisty" he says putting me down I roll my eyes. I get an idea and I run but Jc grabs my waist from behind

"DANG IT!" I say. I get out of his grip and I find Vanessa.

"DONT." I say

"I already did." She says. I get out my phone and see the picture. I hope the hate isn't that bad... But I just remember I have a picture of her and Ricky.

"You know I never uploaded the pic of you and Ricky... But I will now" I say leaving her

I upload it and as soon as I do my phone blows up... And my mentions are still going up cause of the photo of me and Jc. I see some comments shipping us and others just tearing me apart. Ugh!

"JC! WE GOTTA TALK." I yell trying to find him

"Yes?" He asks popping out of no where.

"Ah!" I yell and he laughs

"We really need to talk." I say, he nods and pulls me into a room. "So. Vanessa tweeted a picture of me and you this morning... Cuddling. And I guess we are public now." I say, his eyes widen.

"Phone. Now." He says sternly

"No Jc you aren't my father." I say walking out of the room.

"I don't care, phone." He says annoyed, I shake my head and turn around again but he takes my phone out of my pocket.

"HEY! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I say trying to take it

"Cause I can" he says walking away

"Wow. Just because you are my boyfriend doesn't mean you can control me." I say walking away

Jc's pov

"JC WE NEED TO TALK!" Hannah says looking for me and I pop up and scare her

"Ah!" She says "we really need to talk." I nod and walk into the room "So. Vanessa tweeted a picture of me and you this morning... Cuddling. And I guess we are public now." She says

Wait. I don't want her to get any hate.

"Phone. Now." I say seriously

"No Jc you aren't my father" she says turning around

"I don't care, phone." I say, she shakes her head. Should I take it out of her pocket?... Yea.

"HEY! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" She says trying to get it back but fails. I want to tell her cause of the hate but... I can't tell her later. She doesn't need to know now... And it will only make her more upset.

"Cause I can." I say

"Wow. Just because you are my boyfriend doesn't mean you can control me." She mumbles. Why can't she understand I'm helping her. I don't want her to get hurt. I open her twitter and I read a few comments and... Some was nice and other It was stuff saying she was ugly. She isn't, I don't want her to believe any of that. I should go talk to Ricky cause by the picture Hannah uploaded Vanessa is getting bad hate too.

"Hey, uh ricky? Have you like checked twitter lately?" I ask.

"No. Why?" He asks

"Just... Look at it." I say, he takes out his phone and I show him the comments. I explain and I show him I took Hannah's phone.

"I don't want her to think that either... I gotta go" he says and walks away. I go to my room, maybe Hannah is there and I can explain. I open my door... No Hannah :(. I put her phone in my drawer and lock it so she can't find it... Knowing her she can't live without it so she will try to find it. I lay down and get on my phone and read more comments. I follow some of the people that say nice things and I soon fall asleep. I needed a nap

Ricky's pov

After I talk to Jc I go to find Vanessa but she isn't outside or in the living room... Maybe she is in my room. I walk in my room and I see her sitting there on my bed with her phone. I sit next to her and she is on twitter... No. She is looking at the comments of the pic.

"Give me your phone." I say seriously.

"No" she says with are confused look

"Really give me your phone." I repeat myself

"No Ricky I'm not giving you my phone. You can't control me you know" she says standing up and walking out of the room. I take her phone out of her hands

"What the hell Ricky. That isn't ok." She says storming out of the room. Why can't she see I'm trying to help her. I'll explain it another time.

Vanessa's pov

I can't believe he would do that. He can't just go around taking my things when he wants, I'm leaving.

"Hey Hannah. Let's go." I say, I can tell she is pissed off too. Wonder why... But she nods and we get in the car and go to the apartment.

"So why are you so pissed?" I ask

"Jc took my phone for no reason." She says obviously annoyed.

"Ricky took mine. What is their problem?" I say walking inside

"I don't know but they should at least give us a reason... But anyway so what's up with this "prank war?"" I ask

"So after the phone thing blows over let's have a whole week and every prank the team gets a point. By the end of the week whoever has the most points win."She says

"Ok. Your on, what does the winner get?" I ask curiously

"Hm I don't know... Wanna watch a movie?" She asks

"Sure. Let's watch ice age!" She says putting in some pop corn. She loves that movie. We watch the movie and hang out the rest of the day. So basically we had a lazy day, which is most days.

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