All Hail the Turkey God

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Foggy’s never missed a Nelson thanksgiving. Besides for his not so politically correct uncle who annually (well, more than annually) gets drunk and goes off on a tangent, why would he? Since that first year as roommates, he’s taken Matt with him.

But this year is different. Matt has you, and Karen has nowhere to go, so you’re starting your own thanksgiving tradition. Building your own family. A family that Foggy is also a part of. Daredevil fiasco and fancy new job at H,C,B,&N be damned. So, for the first time in all 30 of his years on this planet, he finds himself considering foregoing the Nelson clan feast. Even considering the Hoge-posh of meals that each of you can cook, it's worth it for the company.


“So Foggy, are you coming to join in our feast to honor the turkey god?” You ask.
“Honor it by slaughtering it’s kind?” Foggy rolls with it.

“Don’t be ridiculous. We’re going to buy it pre-slaughtered- waste not and all that- and try not to burn it.”

“Well, I might have to come just to save you from invoking the wrath of the great turkey god. Between the three of you and your- frankly appalling- cooking skills, I’m your only hope. Even if it does invoke the wrath of the Nelson clan. Which you do not want to see. We may be all mild exasperation, wrapped in a layer of bad jokes, and longsuffering-”

“How godly of you.” Matt chimes in.

“You, don’t get to talk about godly traits and their faulty execution Murdock.” Foggy fires back. “As I was saying, we may seem harmless, but once driven, we can be the nastiest sons of bitches you’ve ever seen. Or heard. I will, however, take one for the team, if it means I’ll get to spend the time with you. If anything will make them understand, it will be in the name of properly cooked meats.”

“And the turkey god.” You add.

Karen giggles at the banter. It’s what makes her feel like she’s part of a family again, and she can’t get enough of it. “Why don’t we do it the day after thanksgiving? Foggy can have his family dinner, Y/n and I can get holiday pay, and the turkey will be cheaper.” She proposes with a shrug.

“That could work.” Foggy nods. “But don’t you dare think that you guys aren’t my family.”

“Of course you are. After all, the turkey god only accepts sacrifices when the whole family is present.”

“You guys do know the thanksgiving tradition has nothing to do with gods, right?” Matt points out.

“What? The pilgrims were Christian. I think.” Foggy counters.

“They actually left the Church of England to practice their own religions.”

“How do you even remember second-grade history, Matt?” Foggy asks.

Matt shrugs. “Catholic school.”


Karen remembers thanksgiving with her family fondly. There’s nothing quite like a southern home cooked meal, and there’s certainly nothing like a southern home cooked meal for a holiday that centers around food. Sure, a lot of it was deep fried, but that was their tradition. And it was her whole family sitting together at the table, even if they drove her up the wall. Which they did. Often. She would give anything to be with those idiots again. But that’s not an option anymore. As much as she loved- loves her family, she loves her new little family almost as much. It’s a feeling she’s never experienced, being chosen, accepted- applauded, even- for who she is. It’s different for her too, choosing the people in her life, and building her own little family. It's not bad though. Far from it; she wouldn't trade her new life for anything.

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