Ice Skating

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"We should go ice skating!" Foggy exclaims gesturing with all his usual animation.

Karen's face lights up but before she can say anything, Matt starts shaking his head. "No. Not again. I let you talk me into it once. Not again."

"Oh Matt, it'll be fun. And I've never been." Karen pushes.

"You guys can go, but I won't be joining you."

"Well, what are you going to do?" She asks.

"I'll be fine. You go, I'm sure you'll have a great time."

"Come on Matt, it won't be the same without you." You bump shoulders with him.

He pauses at that and Karen takes the opportunity to swoop in. "Yeah Matt, we'll help you."

"I thought you just said you've never been."

"Well, I haven't. But Foggy has."

Matt shakes his head. "Yeah, that didn't turn out so well last time."

"What happened last time?" Karen asks.

"Nothing happened." Foggy responds. "Matt had never been before, so he looked like a baby giraffe. And he fell a couple times. It's all about his ego."

"Awww, really Matt?" You ask.

When he doesn't say anything, you continue. "You won't be the only one who doesn't know how this time. We'll be together, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks."

Matt sighs. "I'm going to regret this aren't I?"

"No, you won't." You tell him. "It'll be great."

He chuckles. "Okay."

"Yeah?" Karen asks.

Matt nods. "Yeah."

"You hear that Foggy? Matt's coming with us." You announce.


"Did you agree to come because y/n asked you to? Because I feel like I should be offended by that." Foggy asks on the way to the rink.

"You were all asking. You ganged up on me." Matt defends.

"You're stubborn, though. You didn't want to come and normally that would've been it. You would've come up with some dumb excuse and shut us down. So the only reason I can come up with is that something actually changed your mind. And I have a feeling that that reason had nothing to do with the arguments that we presented."

Matt sighs. "Fine. I agreed because of y/n."

It's Foggy's turn to sigh. "Do I really have to pry to get you to open up to me? Because you know I will."

There's a moment where Foggy thinks he's going to have to make good on his warning, but then Matt starts talking. "I like her a lot Fog. It's different from what I've felt with anyone else. Usually, I'll like someone, but that's it. Maybe we sleep together, maybe we go out for a couple months, but after that, we part ways and we're both fine with it. But with y/n, I find myself picturing a future with her. Which I know is sort of creepy, but I can't get her out of my head."

"And you haven't talked to her about this?"

Matt shakes his head.

"It's totally your choice if you want to pine away, but I think you should talk to her."

"But what if I lose her? I'd rather be in her life in whatever capacity I can be than not at all because she doesn't feel the same."

"Matt, you're not going to lose her."

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