My Best Friend and my Sister? Part 1

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"Hey Fog." You say as you step out of the pub to answer your phone.

"My fellow Nelson! Long time no see. Actually, I haven't heard from you at all in a few weeks. Where the hell have you been?"

"Same place I've been for the last four years."

"I figured as much. I get it; you found cooler friends and your big brother isn't enough anymore."


"I'm kidding, we all get busy. So how's studying abroad going? Did the fair city of London do something to you? Are you coming home, never to leave me again?"

His guess would surprise you but he asks that every time. "Uh, good, no, yes, and no. I think I said that in the right order."

Foggy freezes. "Wait, what's going on? Was that yes London did something or yes you're coming home?"

"I'm coming home, Foggy."

"What? That's great! You'll get to meet Matt, and come see my fancy internship— proof that dreams do come true. I haven't told Matt yet, but a little bird told me we're getting hired for real. It's great, they have free bagels every morning."

You laugh. "That would be your dream."

"So, talk to me. Did you get a job here or something? I thought you loved London and were never leaving. By the way, if I do get the job here, I could totally afford to come out there to see you."

"Well you won't have to. I found a job in upper Manhattan. After graduation, I fly home to start."

"Branching out of Hell's Kitchen. Gonna steal my thunder as the first Nelson to go to college, and get a degree, and shit."

"Yeah, no free ham for mom."

He laughs. "So when's graduation? I want to make sure I can get the time off here at L&Z."

"You're coming?"

"Hell yeah. What, you think your big brother would miss seeing you graduate?"

You smile. "To be honest, I thought I'd be alone for graduation."

"What? No way."

"I figured that's the price for studying abroad."

"Well, I'll be there, if no one else. I'm sure mom and dad will try to show up. I mean, they've had four years to save."

You smile. "Well, now I'm excited. I'll text the date to you."


You don't meet Matt as soon as Foggy would've liked, but you're on your way to meet him now.

"So, I'll warn you, Matt's a charmer. I've seen it time and time again. Matt starts talking and women fall into his bed. Don't let the blind thing make you feel bad for him. He hates it when people do, but I think it's half his luck. That and he's really good looking."

You snort. "Yeah, I won't fall for your boyfriend."

"Very funny. You're deflecting. I'm serious here."

"Foggy." You scoff. "When have you ever known me to swoon over anyone?"

"You're right. You don't swoon, you hunt. You skipped right over boyband and went straight for Tom Cruise. It's unfair to the rest of us who had to suffer through teenybopper phases."

"Ewww. Stop."

"Don't tell me you didn't have a thing for him in Top Gun."

"You swore you'd never speak of that. Leave me alone."

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