You can tell that this is drawing to a close. In my time here, I've followed the regulations. They aren't rules as such, but it would be wise not to stray from the pattern. However, I am not known for being wise. I'm different, Special, because of the risks I take.
So I will be doing this differently.
Sometimes, Guards find someone to use as a toy. It could be an Inmate or another Guard. They will pretend to monitor you, they can offer you advantages, or they can straight out torture you. Do not accept. If a Guard offers you a 'promotion', do not accept. It will be worse than what you have already gone through. It is not something you must do. Even real promotions, you can turn down.
I know this because I have been exposed to both. If you are offered a real promotion and refuse, you will not remember the occasion. If you accept, you will know that the one who hired you was an Informant, who has been instructed by Spectators or Monitors.
Guards are Guards because they have little will, they are sadistic, they are bored or they have no other choice. If one of these were not true, they would have a higher position within the Organisation.
You are stronger than the Guards.
I accepted the promotion I was offered. I'm alive. You are in the cell I occupied as an Inmate. As I am writing this, I am in my transition period. Everyone in this period must write a guide similar to the one they received in their second year. If they did not receive one, they do not write one.
In this guide I have lied and hidden certain things. No more. In the Identification chapter, I mentioned 'all' the positions. I've been hired as a Fighter. I did not mention this class in Identification. I suppose its irrelevant to you - you will never meet one until you enter a whole different class or wing, and you will be informed there when the time comes.
I can't go into detail about my new position - I am oblivious. However I can tell you that the Organisation is made up of many sections. This is the prison. I am in a different section. Not all the sections are bad - if they were then I would remain an Inmate. Be wary but smart - don't accept everything as black and white.
I am here because I investigated the truth behind 'imagination'. Whether it was drugs that allowed people to be so creative, whether they were geniuses or whether it was all real. The answer is all three. But some people, they have lost their memory because of what the Organisation has done to them, and so when they write they believe it is only their imagination.
Magic exists. Any beasty creature you have heard of in immense detail is real. Wizards and witches - magic wielding humans do not exist. Thankfully. Humans are evil creatures not worthy of such beauty and power.
As a Fighter, I fight those who endanger these species. I fight against enemies. Sometimes that includes certain sections of the Organisation. Unfortunately for you, the prison is left untouched by other sections. Other sections send their own Inmates there.
Try to remember why you are here, try to make yourself seem Special but do so subtly. Do not stand out, you are being monitored anyway. That is the way out of the prison. But don't accept any promotion. Some aren't good. Some will get you killed and some are worse than prison.
It is my understanding that the Organisation is trying to keep this part of the world secret so to keep humanity safe but even more so to keep these beasts alive. Because although they are exceptional creatures far superior to any human - humans have nuclear weapons.
I was an Inmate because I threatened exposure. However I have changed. I wanted to expose the prison, the bad sections of the Organisation but I have seen the necessity. I was investigating mainly horror stories, stories of pain and torture that were supposedly fiction. I did not consider the magical fantasies that the Organisation wished to protect.
I consider you my protégé. We have not met but in passing my knowledge down to you, I feel as though we should meet. So survive the prison and come search for me. I may be promoted ten times in the time it takes you, I also might end up back in a cell. I won't die, I know how to survive. So come find me and I will share what I know, as will you.
Imagine you are a videogame character, or a character in your favourite book, because it will very much feel unreal and as if this were a story. But books have civilisation. I refuse to believe that the Organisation is made up of sections of humans will the sole purpose of doing their job and pulling their weight. I believe there is civilisation, a society who live in harmony with and among this magic. I'm going to search for it and if it does not exist then I will create it.
For not everyone is evil. Some people deserve this and some people are wasted without it.
Do you understand why I'm telling you this?
It is not a hint or some mild excitement or some gossip I wish to share with the one person I have come close to speaking to.
This is an invitation.
You Must Understand
NouvellesIt is self explanatory. This will help you understand. You must have questions. Do not ask for the answers. You will be given what you will be given. You may not have realised but this is the first step in understanding. Understanding why you must r...