Chapter 11: Memories

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Chapter 11: Tommi's POV

"Bonjour!" The tall tan guy hauled his luggage in.

"This is Roi everybody!" Nate's smile stretched from ear to ear.

"C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer." he bowed to us.

"Oh..hello." Jerry said with a confused expression.

You wouldn't understand how confused I am right now. First these Russian assholes come in, now Nate is gay? I had nothing against gay people of course, I remember my favorite uncle from my dad's side was gay. He was just the coolest, I mean I have never met anybody in my life who was sassier than I was, he always sassed my beloved mother whenever she was being a cold bitch (which was all the time). I was confused, yet excited to meet Nate's fiance...and Nate! I just never knew that Nate wasn't straight in the first place, which seemed to not only shock me, but everyone else around me.

"Vat iz thiz ?" Anfisa made a face, "Hue mean to tell I, that your zon, Nate iz erm, gay?"

Nate sighed, shutting the door behind him. He sat in front on the other end of the long table. "Okay so, Mom, Dad. My Foster siblings. The Balbanovs." He swallowed his throat. "I-I know that this may sound intriguing, and I know you're mad at me for telling you this all along, but I just didn't feel ready to tell you. I guess I was scared of what you guys would say, so naturally I hid my true identity since High school, and this is why I never introduced you to Roi, in the times that you've visited and-"

"Son." Jerry interrupted him. "It's fine, no need to explain yourself." He smiled. "Now, if you would please pass the mash potatoes, that would be lovely-"

"Son, there is no need to ask for acceptance from us." Martha interrupted Jerry. " Of course we will always accept who you are, you don't need anybody's permission to be what your heart desires to be." Martha explained, smiling.

" Plus, I've always wanted a 'Foster Sister'." I added, as everybody laughed along, except for Anfisa and Riza of course.

"You guys are the best!" Nate wiped the tears pricking from the corners of his round eyes.

"And honey, I've always suspected you were anyways." Martha giggled.

"What?? How?"

"Well, I saw you peeping at Danny in the restroom when we first fostered him and I don't think you were playing hide-and-go-seek." Martha scratched her chin.

"Wait, what." Danny froze as he removed his fork from his mouth.

"Oh!" Nate blushed, "I really thought that was secretive, mom, but you know whatever...hehe." Nate rubbed the nape of his neck.

"What?" Danny repeated.

"Shush Dan, you talk to much." Martha hushed.

" I've always known one of us would probably have to be gay here anyways." Aiden scratched his chin, "I just didn't suspect you of course, you sly fox."

"Yeah, I've always though Jasper would be the first to come out." Chezden teased.

Jasper rolled his eyes, "Bugger off."

"Awwww mon cœur se réchauffe." Roi sniffed in the corner, patting his heart. "Je suis tellement heureuse pour toi mon amour!!" he jogged up to Nate hugging him from behind.

"Merci d'être là pour moi." Nate put his hands on top of Roi's.

Everybody awed at Nate and Roi's sparkling love. In the weirdest way, I hope that when I fall in love, I'd be just like them. But of course, first comes first, the money for college, and the money for housing,and hopefully getting a damn scholarship. Just all of these other things a normal 16 year old wouldn't have to worry about just yet.

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