Chapter 12: Tommi & Noah POV

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Chapter 12: Tommi's POV

"Holy shit." Mei-Mei's mouth dropped to the floor.

"What?" I shifted nervously in my shoes. I just finished telling Mei-Mei what happened on Thanksgiving. The most interesting Thanksgiving I've ever had. The only reaction that Mei-Mei seemed to have was 'holy shit'.

"I can't believe you didn't invite me over when Danny was there!" She grumbled.

"Fake homie !" She frowned, her pale pink lips pouted.

I looked over at her incredulously. "Really?" I asked. "A bottle was thrown at me, I got stitches, Noah found my deepest secret and you ask why I didn't invite you?"

"Uhm, yeah." She grinned guiltily.

"I really need to make some new friends." I sighed to myself.

"Oh, shut up." Mei-Mei nudged me, as I couldn't help but break into a smile.

Thanksgiving break was over, and even though I spent most of my time locked up in a room wrapped in bandages, I guess the long weekend was pretty interesting.

The event that happened over the long weekend was pretty hectic, but Martha calmed down after a few minutes, and she couldn't stop hugging me and smothering me with affection. Jerry was thankful too. I was just really glad I finally had a pair of Foster Parents on my good side for once. Jerry and Harold were still on good terms, but they only spoke at work since Anfisa didn't approve of talking to those below their status. Martha was incredibly pissed of with their whole family. She even despised Derrick, but I still spoke to him, he really was a sweet guy.

Things were a little awkward for me and Noah after that whole weird breakdown scene. Or maybe it was just me, I don't know.

I don't know what drew me to it, but I've been ignoring him the whole week after. I was just so...uncomfortable. Whenever he walked in our room, I pretended I was asleep. I looked down everytime we sat across each other in the dining table. Basically, shutting him out. Which I know is a bitch move, after all of the things he's done over the course of Thanksgiving break.

But I've never broken down like that in front of anybody before. Usually crying myself to sleep and putting on my best poker face the next day was what I usually did if I ever needed to break down. But never in front of people. It was this mixture of this pleasurable hatred. I hated him but I -

Oh no. What is this Tommi? You can't be doing this to yourself. There's so many things to be done and more things that you need to do before you're homeless forever!

"So when are you going to confess your undying love for him?" Mei-Mei wiggled her eyebrows, as she pulled out books from her locker.

"I am not in love with him." I rolled my eyes. "Like I would never, I mean-"

"Yeah, yeah. You have to find a job and college and find a home. " Mei-Mei dismissed me with her hand. I've probably mentioned that to her a million times.

"You don't get it..." I muttered. As I leaned my back against the navy blue painted lockers beside hers.

"No Tommi, I do get it." She closed her locker, as she looked me seriously in the eye. "You don't get it." She swept her Egyptian styled bangs down, framing her thin face perfectly. "I get it, I know you want to have a good future and a good life when you're older. But what about now? You need to have a good life now! You have to stop worrying about the future for a bit!"

"Well of course I'd worry about it! I mean Mei-Mei what if I never make it?"

"Sweetie." She soothed as we stopped in the middle of the halls. I leaned my head on the cool metal lockers, and inhaled deeply. "I'm sorry okay?" Mei-Mei sighed. "But you need to learn to loosen up!"

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