Chapter 1: 23rd time's the charm

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* note: F-Kid - Foster Kid * if you didn't read the description lol. *

Chapter 1: 23rd time is the charm

I sat with a glum expression inside my social worker; Kenneth's dirty old station wagon. Ken should really consider replacing his car. It smelled of old fried chicken, dirty laundry, and wet dog. The brown paint was peeling off the side of the car, and I'm pretty sure you couldn't drive this in the freeway anymore. I mean he's had this beat up box ever since they assigned him as my social worker 13 years ago. 13 years ago, when my dad, my 'hero', left me with those strangers.

I watched Ken walked out of the 22nd foster house we've been to today, the lines on his big forehead and his overgrown beard signaled that he's been up all night looking for available foster houses that were willing to take me in. That must be pretty hard to do, since I've been kicked out of mostly all of them.

He pulled the rusty handle of the creaky car door, and plopped on to the driver's seat, creating a rain of dust to escape the cushion.

" Aw gross!" Ken flailed his arms trying to shoo the dust away, " this was my favorite shirt!"

" Ken all your shirts look the same" I rolled my eyes, as I tried to tame my frizz of brown hair into a fishtail braid. All of Ken's shirts were Hawaiian collared shirts, with different colors. He used to live in Hawaii, and according to him he used to be quite the surfer, and got the ladies. Which I highly doubted. Ken may be the only person that's ever stayed in my life till now, but by the looks of his beer belly, bushy mustache, and a balding head, it's very hard for me to imagine him surrounded by the 'ladies'.

Ken ignored my comment and scrolled through his iPhone, I wonder how it was to own a phone, but really I don't get the use of it. I'd rather talk to somebody face to face, instead of tapping on a screen.

" So, I'm guessing they said no?" I broke the ice

" Turns out you already been to that Foster House..." He trailed off. " Ms.Lopez said that apparently, you drew on all of the foster kids' faces while they were sleeping with marker that didn't get off for another 2 weeks on skin, and you claimed that it was an April fools joke, even though it was December" He gave me an incredulous expression. " Poor kids spent Christmas with drawings on their faces"

" Oh yeah.." I remembered clearly. It was Christmas Eve, and all the kids were teasing me on how I was going to get coal like every year. I was about 8, and right after everyone fell asleep, I crept into every single of their rooms and drew all the things that I saw them as on their faces. It was a classic.The most hilarious drawing I made was on this slightly chubby... bah, who was I kidding, he was very chubby. I can't remember his name exactly, it was something like Nick, or North, wait that was Kanye's baby's name.... anyways, he used to call me names like polka-dot face, because of the slight freckles on my nose, and " alien eyes " because my eyes weren't 'normal' because they were brown with bits of gold flecks in them. Which I thought actually made me look alien. Anyways I drew all kinds of food on his face because he would always take mines away from m-

" TOMMI!!!" Ken boomed,

" hm?" I looked up.

" Were you even listening to me?!" He sighed.

" Uh yes?" I gave him a sheepish smile.

" No you weren't liar?" He squinted his eyes at me, as he did when he was angry. " Agh, never mind" he dismissed me with his hand, as he put his precious iPhone to his ear, and he chatted away.

I sat anxiously in the dirty old seat, sitting still so I wouldn't dirty my clothes. Ken said I had to look somewhat presentable when he was finding me a foster house, so I had to ditch the basketball shorts and ratty tank top. I put on my 'Rolling Stones' tank and ripped jeans, and my old pair of dirty white high-top converse, that I stole from one of the Foster Houses I was in, I don't quite remember which one. With only a couple hundred dollars the government gave me for the whole year, I didn't exactly have the best clothes in the world. I usually use up the money on school supplies. Yes. School supplies. Believe it or not, I actually care dearly for my education, although it would look like that Iwouldn't care for anything, I want to avoid the chances of me being homeless when I turn 18 like the rest of them.

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