chapter 4: Stories

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Chapter 4: Stories 

I sat glumly, squished in the middle of the car not meant to fit six people, where I bordered Jasper and Chezden who were trying to kill each other for eating the last chocolate chip cookie. 

" You blasted bastard ! I knew you were going to take it!" Jasper frowned, as he threw chunks of his oatmeal cookie at Chezden 

" Don't throw food, Jerry just had this cleaned!" Noah scolded them, as the car steered on the right, causing angry drivers to give us the middle finger. 

"Keep your eyes on the road Noah!" Danny yelped, as he gripped on the handle tightly. 

" We're fine" Noah dismissed Danny, as the car swerved to left sharply again, causing all of us to pile up on to one side. 

" Noah!!" Danny yelped. 

" Idiot drive correctly!!" I yelled at him, my face squished against Jasper's shoulder, who was still arguing with Chezden. 

" What?" Noah asked, as the car became steady again. 

My inner claustrophobic self was coming out of me, as the twins shouted back and forth at each other across from me. I didn't know anybody except for these 5 boys that could outweigh the number of stress I can cause among people. The only person that was collected and quiet right now, was Hunter, who was silently sat on the floor of the car. His knees were up to his chest, with his ear buds plugged in, ignoring the commotion around him. 

Unfortunately, I didn't have anything to plug my ears from the recklessness around me. I usually wasn't this quiet, but I felt like I was going to strangle someone if there wasn't 30 seconds of peace. I was starting to get claustrophobic, and I wasn't in the best mood. 

Not that I've been in the mood at all since I've gotten here. The boys were pretty nice, I guess.( With the exception of Noah). I wasn't too sure about him yet. He was rude, impossibly annoying, and impulsive. Yet, he was nice enough to make me breakfast yesterday. I had a feeling Danny told him to do that though. 

" Piss off dickhead, you're just upset because you were too slow to snatch the last one" Chezden smiled mischievously 

" You're a fucking arse, you know that? " Jasper pouted, " out of all the bloody cookies you left me with fucking oatmeal" he frowned, shaking the crumbling oatmeal cookie across of me. The chunks of raisin falling down on my bare lap, and the crumbs stuck to my open, red and black long sleeved flannel shirt, staining the white tank top I wore inside. He leaned on his elbow glumly, as I was, staring at the foggy skies. 

" There you go with your British words again" Aiden rolled his eyes, " 

" Even their swearing seems so classy" Danny observed carefully, as Jasper and Chezden continued to throw colorful insults at each other. 

I sighed, covering my face with my hands.  

This was the first day, not counting yesterday, since Martha and Jerry left me alone with these restless human beings. I have never could of thought that they would be this bad. I wasn't even this bad at any of my Foster homes. 

We were on our way to the private school Martha signed us up for to buy our uniform. Later we would go to the store to buy school supplies, then drop off Aiden,Chez, and jasper to soccer practice, and Hunter to the animal shelter, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to stay in this car for so long. This car was meant for at least only four people, not counting the driver's seat. There were six of us squished together, and I really couldn't feel my butt right about now. We were literally overlapping one another. Aiden was squished up on the window on my right, next to Chezden. Hunter was sitting in between Chezden's legs with a bored expression. The only two people with comfortable seats were Noah, who was driving and Danny, who sat up in the passenger seat. Sure the car was four seats, but it was unbelievably tiny. They had to open the sunroof because Noah's head hit the ceiling of the tiny gray car. I kind of missed Ken's old brown box honestly 

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