Chapter 6: Sukoshi Hono o Shizumero

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Chapter 6:Sukoshi Hono o Shizumero

My eyes were getting heavy in the last few minutes of AP Calculus. My teacher Mr. Yoo; and yes, his name is literally, 'Yoo', which I found quite fascinating because he wasn't the least bit Asian. He has a robotic voice, owns ugly wool vests, and has this gleaming bald head. He also carried his lunch in a One Direction lunchbox, which made me question many other things about this guy.

"This expression is called a difference quotient. A line through two points on a curve is called a secant line, so 'm' is the slope of the secant line between (a, f(a) and (a + h, f(a +h). The secant line is only an approximation to the behavior of the function at the point a because it does not account for what happens between 'a' and a + h." He spoke in a monotone, as he pointed to the board while sitting on his chair. Mei-Mei was snoring soundly next to me, her head rested on her palm. Noah was surprisingly also in this class, which shocked me immensely. He was actually in all of the AP classes, plus the Etiquette class with me, and I strongly think they gave him the wrong schedule. I blinked at my worksheet blankly. I've always hated math. I hated math with such a passion, it took me a long time to actually understand a day's worth lesson. Plus, I couldn't tolerate it at all today. In fact I couldn't tolerate any of my classes today. And you can thank a certain silver eyed prick for that. I've been trying to avoid him all day since what happened this morning, and I plan to not talk to him for as long as I can. I glanced at my paper, and already, just by glancing at it, my head began to hurt. Mei-Mei's paper was blank also, excluding the casual drips of drool from her mouth. I've learned much about Mei-Mei these past few weeks I've been here. She's really sweet and has this ultimate crush on Danny. Sadly, he doesn't go to high-school anymore. She was always smiling and had a very bubbly personality; however she drooled often when she fell asleep in the classes I had with her.

"It is not possible to discover the behavior at 'a' by setting 'h' to zero because this would require dividing by zero, which is impossible. The derivative is defined by taking the limit as 'h' tends to zero, meaning that it considers the behavior of f for all small values of h and extracts a consistent value for the case when 'h' equals zero." Mr. Yoo said in a bored voice. His unamused eyes scanned the room, looking at the students who were sleeping.

"Mei Lee" Mr.Yoo said, "Would you care to tell the class what the derivative is defined by?"

I nudged Mei-Mei with my elbow, "Wake up." I muttered under my breath. She continued to snore a little louder. "Mei Mei!" I said louder in a hushed voice. She continued to drool. Finally, I flicked her ear and she woke up immediately, irritated. She yawned loudly and smacked her lips together.

"What happened?" She blinked confusedly, as the class snickered.

"What is the derivative defined by?" Mr.Yoo repeated.

"Who's Derrick?" She squinted her eyes, as the class erupted in laughter.

"Miss. Lee, please stay awake in my class, you did not come here to sleep; you came here to-"

" Yeah, yeah, yeah, I came here to learn blah, blah, blah." She made a motion with her hands, opening it up and down.

She also got quite sassy with people when she was newly awakened.

"Can anybody help Miss. Lee?" Mr. Yoo's beady eyes fluttered across the classroom, as his glance finally laid down on me.

"Miss. Charrett, thank you for volunteering would you care to tell the class what is the derivative defined by?"

I cleared my throat. I hate when teachers do that 'thank you for volunteering Miss. Charrett ' like no. I am not volunteering you bald headed worm. I thought quietly to myself.

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