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The next morning, Nick and I were brought to school on the bus. As expected, I sat by myself and Nick sat with some family friend's kids.

The youngest, Nigel, he's one year younger than me. Then James, he's one year older than me. And the oldest Emma; she's the same age as my brother, in other words she's three years older than me. Personally I think Nick likes Emma, he just won't admit it.

The bus boiled in the early morning sun, I sat on the second last bench, listening to the buzz around me and thinking about the deal I made yesterday. The bus was filled with noises of teenagers laughing and gossiping about how this person did that and that person did this. Half of the gossip was probably about me but I barely heard a thing. I was in my own world thinking about my own things. OK, I was day dreaming about what it would be like to be a normal girl with friends, and being good at something... anything.

The bus went over a bump, smacking me back to earth. We were driving through the school gate and brought straight into the middle of the school, around a little round about and stopped in front of the main hall. I waited for everyone in front of me to get out before Nick forced me to move. I picked up my empty bag and trudged out of the boiling bus. Nick gave me a quick nod before going to join a group on people from his year. I had no idea what time it was but I did know where I had to go for registration so I set off in search of the room I was meant to be in, hoping it was the right place.

I turned one more corner and there it was; English room 1, the class I was told to go to before anything else. But there was nobody else around. I had no idea what else to do so I just stood next to the door waiting for other people to show up.

Only about five minutes had passed before somebody came. He walked up behind me and leaned against the lockers, looking me up and down. His dark blond hair sat on the top of his head in a big spikes. His skin was very pale, paler than mine surprisingly; but then again my skin was pretty tanned from the two months in the sun.

"You're new around here, aren't you?" the boy said very confidently. Looking half at my feet and half at the boy, I nodded quickly. In one swift motion, the boy pushed himself of the lockers and took one step towards me, just close enough to touch. I quickly looked up, to notice that he was about half a head taller than me, and then quickly looked back down at my feet.

"I'm Sven Morgen, but everyone calls me B.B." he said politely. I didn't say anything. "Can I know you're name or should I just call you P.G.?"

"R-r-r-robin. R-robin v-van Lettow." I said with my horrible stutter.

"A stutter huh." I nodded. "Well R-r-r-robin, I think you have a very pretty name." I looked up in shock and was welcomed with a smile. I tried to smile too but it was pretty weak and doubtful.

"Th-thanks" I said looking back down at my feet. At that moment the bell went and a stampede of people suddenly appeared. A teacher came and unlocked the door of the class room letting people in.

"Come on, P.G." Sven said and walked into the class room. I didn't move in confusion of why he called me P.G. when I had just told him that my name was Robin, but before I could think any more I felt someone grab my hand and pull me in side. It was Sven, he had pulled me into the class room and towards one of the back tables. No one has ever done this before, I mean wanted me to sit with them. This was new territory for me, I have no idea what I was supposed to do, I'm just so use to being by myself. What do I do!?!

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