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I stood there like a complete idiot, not knowing that to do. Sven just looked up at me and smiled.

"You can sit in the chair you know. It's not alive, it won't bite." He said like he had seen someone act like this many times before. I sat down, in the chair next to Sven, in complete silence. He just watched me as I sat down, then examined the way I sat, feet curled under the chair, shoulders forward and head down and again, he just looked at me like I was completely normal.

"So where are you from?" he asked.

"H-Holland and b-b-Belgium."

"Rally? Cool. So you can speak Flemish, right? He asked with real interest. I shook my head.

"D-d-Dutch and f-f-French"

"Three languages, not bad, P.G." he said with a side smile." But I beat you by one. I can speak Italian, Greek, German, and English obviously." I looked at him surprised, I have never met someone about my age that can speak more languages than me.

"Robin?" I swerved my head to where I heard the voice come from. It was the teacher, she had started the register. When she saw me look at her, she beckoned me to come to her. Slowly I got out of my chair and walked to the front of the class dreading what was going to happen when I got there. Would I be told I was in the wrong place, would I be told of for talking or maybe, worst of all, introduce myself to the class.

"You're the new girl, right?" I nodded "Welcome to Saint Mendes International High School. Or SMInts for short." She said with a smile. I didn't even try to smile back.

"Here" she said handing me one of many timetables. "And here's the timetable that has most of the same subject, I just wish it would have been someone that is less likely to rub off on you in a bad way." I still didn't show any expression on my face, other than confusion, and took the two timetables.

"I believe you've already met Sven, he has the same classes as you so he can show you to your classes." The teacher said, knowing I didn't understand what she said the first time. I turned around to look at Sven how had watched me the whole time, and was smiling with delight. I guess he knew that we had the same classes. On the other hand, I didn't know if I was happy or sad to have to hang out with him.

I sat back down; Sven still watched my every move, as we looked at the timetables. They were exactly the same except one lesson where he had Learning support instead; well that's what he said at least. I would have checked it myself but I can't read; I have learnt how to, it's just... I don't really know... it's just when I look at any type of writing all the letters seem to move around and take different places and it doesn't make any sense. So I try and avoided reading at all costs, which you won't believe is, well, unbelievably hard.

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