Is this a joke?! (Wed)

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"Ok, so why have you been smiling like that all day?" I asked as we walked to our room (the drama studio). Remembering why, his smile grew ten times bigger.

"I auditioned you for the school musical." He said very calmly.

"What?" I asked, quite sternly, stopping in my tracks. Sven turned around and repeated what he said "I auditioned you for the school musical." My face stayed completely serious. "Come on, I'll explain when we're in the room." I had no choice but to follow him.

We both sat in different window sills. Our backs facing each other through the wall.

"How could you audition me? Don't they need to see me act, sing and dance?" I finally asked.

"I videoed everything we did in here and used those."

"So this was your plan all along?"


"What did you get?"

"I've got the role of Danny. He's the main male character."

"Wow, you must be very good."

"Not as good as you."

"What? But you got the main part."

"But that's because not many boys want to be in the play. Most boys want to sit in the audience and debate about who the hottest girl is."

"But still, you got the MAIN part."

"And so did you!" It took me a minute to properly proses what he said. When I did, I swung my legs and sat slouched looking at the window sill where Sven sat next to me. "What?" I asked breathlessly. Sven swung his legs over and sat in the same position as I was in. He looked right at me and said, with a smile slowly growing back onto his face, "You're up for the main part!" I quietly started hyperventilating. Is this a joke? Is this real? I'm going to die!

"The teachers want to talk to you before they make a decision."


"I'm not going in there!" I argued, finally getting my hand out of Sven's exited grip.

"Why not? Don't you want to get the main part?"

"No I don't! I don't want to be on stage with thousands of people watching as I make a fool of myself!"

"You won't. Plus this is just four of the teachers. You should be honoured. They don't usually take extra time to look at someone who auditioned on video." I looked at him as I did my very best to keep my tears from spilling. Sighing, Sven said "I'll go in first and introduce you. Then you come in and we'll do the first scene we did on Monday, Ok? You'll be in character when you come in, so it won't matter if you look exceedingly shy." I thought this over then gave a quick nod. Sven disappeared into the room and I could hear him say a few sentences then I heard a deep man's voice say "Whenever you're ready." I took a deep breath and walked into the room.

As I entered I heard the teachers, who wear all sat on top of a large table, shift when they saw me. Maybe this isn't as intense and strict as I thought it would be.


Once the scene was over, and I felt a bit more confident, Sven was asked to go outside and I had to do a song and then the second scene by myself with one of the teachers reading in for Danny.

"Thank you very much for being brave enough to do this. We will discuss this and call you in, in just a few minutes. Please wait outside till then." The woman in the middle said with a sweet yet firm voice. I did as I was told and walked to the door.

Sven was sitting on the door step fidgeting with some twigs. He jumped to his feet as soon as he heard the door open.

"So? How'd it go?" He asked with anticipation in his voice. "Did you get the part?" I simply shrugged and walked past him to sit on a wall like bench.

"They asked me to wait outside as they talked. They're going to call me back in when they're done." Sven came to sit next to me and we sat there in silent anticipation.

At least ten minutes past before one of the teachers came to the door to call me back in.

"First off, your ability to change your character like that is really good for a girl as shy as you." The woman on the right said.

"And your voice is immensely impressive." The man on the left said.

"Let's not be too hasty about that. It was good but there were a few notes that where off." The woman, that was next to the man on the left, argued.

"But overall it was just over mediocre, therefore if you are physically, socially and mentally predisposed, we are compliant to mutate you into a predominant triple threat." The last man said. I just stared at him and blinked a few times.

"He means if you are ready to work hard ... you got the part!" the other man said with a cheerful laugh. My mouth dropped, eyes widened and my knees almost gave way beneath me. The nice lady on the left gently helped me out of the room.

Outside Sven looked even more nervous than the last time.

"You might have to support her. She's in a bit of a shocked state, I believe." The lady said with a bit of a laugh. Sven took my arm and gave the teacher a quick nod.

We walked off in that position. Sven supporting me by the arm and me still not believing what just happened. After a few steps, and I had properly processed what had happened, I took my weight off Sven and stood up straight.

"Soooooo...?" Sven asked getting inpatient. "Did you get the part?" Thinking about it, I could feel a huge grin slowly grow on my shocked face. And I quickly nodded, along with the grin. Sven's eyes widened and his mouth fell in a big open grin.

"No way!" he exclaimed excitedly. I smiled at his reaction, and my mind drifted off to being the star of a school musical. Not only the school but Malawi. The SMIntS musical is the best musical of Malawi every year. The whole of Malawi is going to be looking at me! I thought excitedly. But as I thought about it I started panicking. The whole of Malawi is going to be looking at me!

"Robin?" I heard Sven's sweet, concerned voice bringing me back to the present. "Are you Ok? You've gone pale and it seems that you've stopped breathing." I shook my head to clear my thoughts then nodded as a reapply to his question.

"Ya... I'm ok." I said trying to sound as brave as I can, whilst fighting back tears. Sven looked me in the eyes, but I was looking down at the ground again.

"No." he said gently but firmly "No. you're not ok. You're scared of standing in front of the whole of Malawi. You're thinking about going back in that room and tell the teachers that you don't want to do the play. You're wondering why you tried out in the first place, when you thought all you really wanted to be was invisible." I looked up at him is surprise. He had just worded everything I felt.


"I wasn't always as confident as I am now." He said with a smile, cutting me off.

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