The end (Sat)

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Everyone's hands came over and covered our faces, just as planned, to make it seem like the moment where Sandy and Danny finally kiss. We were at the end of our last performance. The biggest finally of them all.

I was breathing heavily as this was the only time I had to catch my breath through all the singing. I looked up at my co-star and my breathing slowed down. My eyes landed right into his. His crystal blue eyes that sparkled in the stage lights like the reflection on the sun on the sea in a sunset. I never realized how spectacular his eyes were. But all I saw was Sven. Sven but with the slightest hint of mischievous B.B. Suddenly, with no warning, he starts leaning down and he joins his lips with mine. The music faded, the lights dimmed and everything around us became a blur. No!!! That's not what happened at all! It all happened so fast I barely knew what happened. His lips detached themselves from mine just as fast as they joined, and I only had a second or so to pick myself up before going straight back into the song.

As we all came down, group by group, to take our final bow as a whole group, Sven held my hand extra tight. I did my best to have a smile on my face but I couldn't help but worry about what was going to happen next. I looked over at him and saw Sven again. I felt my cheeks burn and my eyes fill with new life, as a huge smile grew over my face. Yes. I'll go with it.

As soon as it was all over, Sven grabbed me by the hand and started running away from everyone else. He ran up the stairs and into the studio. He finally stopped just inside the room. He looked around and I saw that he had changed again. He started walking again, but holding me closer this time. Soon we were inches away from the wall. He looked at me before going in for a kiss again. Pushing me against the wall, he went full on.
It took me about three seconds before I realized what was actually happening, but when I did I wasn't happy.
I pulled away and tuck a breath to keep my composure.

"What is it?" he half whispered.

"No, B.B." I said as formally as I could "I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to change who I am." He sighed and looked down at our feet.

"Sorry, Blond Boy." I apologized whilst pushing past him.

"You're the first you know." He called after me.

"The first for what?" I said, stopping but not turning around.

"The first that actually meant something to me." I slightly shifted to the side. "And the first to actually figure out what my nickname actually means, other than the people that came up with it that is."

"Blond Boy? Really? Cool." I said turning to face him again. "Well see you on Monday Blond Boy."

"We're still friends?"

"Yes." I simply stated and walked away.

As I walked away from him I wasn't scared or worried or insecure. I walked away feeling fulfilled. Because I now have confidence. I no longer care what others think. I now know that I am capable of doing anything I want as long as I want it enough. To back that up, other than the musical, I was also actually doing well in class. And I was asked to compete for the school in sports. I'll still be a weirdo and an outsider but who cares.

Oh ya, and I did a test and it turns out that I'm dyslexic. That's why things are harder for me.

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