2: Surprise Surprise

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I got home from my stressful and surprising day at work exhausted. I took a shower and quickly began to make dinner for Tyson so he would have something to eat when his father dropped him home.

By 10 pm, I had finished making dinner two hours ago and I was beyond furious. Finally, when the door knocked, I ran to open it, relieved to see Preston holding a sleepy Tyson in his arms. I led them into his bedroom and watched as he placed him on the bed. When the door was safely closed and we were out of hearing distance, I turned to Preston.

"Where the hell were you? It's way passed his bedtime."

"Not tonight Katherine, I'm his father and his actual parent, not you."

"And I'm his fucking guardian. If you can't bring him back at the time we discussed, you will not see him." I fumed.

"Don't start with me" he pressed as he walked back to the door opening it. I hadn't noticed his girlfriend standing outside.

"Why are you allowing her to threaten you baby?" She asked looking at him. She was a cowardly bitch. She always had something to say but could never look you in the eye and say it.

"Dana, keep your mouth shut. This does not concern you. I am his aunt and you are just fucking his father" I spat at her.

"You are always so hostile. This is why I want to take my son from you; I don't want him to turn out this way." Preston accused as he walked out my apartment.

"I want to see you try. I've been caring for him for three years and up until then, I haven't received any help from you" I pointed to him and then his girl friend "or you. Now until I allow you to see him again, don't come to my house or I will call the cops" I slammed the door in their faces.

I was livid. How dare Dana open her mouth after what she and Preston put my sister through, when she found out she was pregnant with Tyson. Dana was her best friend who was sleeping around with Preston when he got Lauren pregnant. What did the bastard do when she told him she was carrying his baby? He ran away with Dana and never ever once sent a check to help with the medical bills or come to see Tyson when he was born. Father my ass.

I sat down on the couch exhausted. Even though I wanted to head to bed and call it a night, I knew Tyson would be waking us soon asking for something to eat. Thirty minutes into the night, I heard footsteps.

I turned and smiled at him as I got up from the couch. I picked him up into my arms and carried him over to the counter.

"Are you hungry?" I asked soothingly. He nodded his head as he continued to rub his eyes sleepily. "Good cause I made your favorite."

"Hamburger and fries?" he asked in disbelief. I chuckled and nodded my head. He knew I didn't really allow this on a regular basis, but since I missed him so much, I happily whipped it up. I placed him on the chair at the dining table and retrieved his plate of food from the microwave.

"Thank you mama" he smiled as I placed the plate and a glass of orange juice in front of him.

"You're welcome baby."

I have had him since he was three years old and now he was six. After months of correcting him and telling to call me aunty, I gave up. I didn't want him to feel as if I was rejecting him in anyway. Tyson was probably the only child I will have in my life, so I was more than pleased to see that he wanted me in his life as much as I wanted him in mine.

I waited until he finished and then cleaned up after him. When I was finished with dishes, we curled up on the couch and watched the television until he was out like a light.


I stared into the mirror as I fought my contacts in my eyes. I promised Tyson that I was going to bring him to the new water park that opened up today. I had on my one piece under my mini shorts and a large t-shirt.

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