4: New connections

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Katherine Wilson

3 Years ago

I rushed to the hospital with tear streaming down my face. This can't be happening!

"Where is she?" I asked my dad as I entered the waiting room. He was holding hands with a woman beside him.

"In surgery" He murmured weakly.

I began to pace the open space, my nerves on high. What am I going to do about Tyson? I was at work when he called, telling me Lauren had just got into a car accident. I dropped everything and got down here as fast as I could. I didn't even park my car properly in the parking lot!

"Katherine sit down, I need to talk to you." My dad spoke after a few minutes.

"Lauren just got into a car accident, I think what you have to say right now can wait" I yelled, my anger taking over.

"Don't speak to my father like that" Said the girl beside him.

"Your what?" I asked, her words not registering through my mind. I was already in complete shock.

"Look, I have no idea who you are and I really don't care. My father asked me here today to comfort him so I would appreciate it if you didn't yell at him."

I completely dismissed the women and her rambling. I only had one sister and she was in surgery so nothing she was saying made any sense. I turned to my father for claritfication.

"What is she talking about?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips. My face was stained with tears and my reality was crumbling, the last thing I needed was some crazy woman talking nonsense.

"Katherine, sit down please." My dad asked.

"What is she talking about?" I screamed louder, my anger becoming uncontrollable.

"What's your problem?" The girl beside him rose to her feet.

"Sara, sit back down please. Katherine, sit!" My dad ordered.

"I'm sorry I'm late" A woman yelled as she entered into the room frantically with a child in her arms. "Some messed up person parked right in the middle of the parking lot." She said as she hugged Sara and sat down beside her. Sara took the child out of her hand and began to bounce him on her lap.

"Dad, this is Zackary, my Godson" She said to my father.

"Dad, what's going on?" I asked in defeat. Everything seemed surreal as my head began to spin.

"Katherine, this is your sister Sara."

"You have a sister?" The lady beside Sara asked in shock. "I had no idea"

"Neither did I" Sara mumbled.

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