It's always about love
They say it's in the air
Well right now I don't care
We don't need labels
To be happy
Words we never say
But always on my mind
Because every time
I see you
My heart may fly
But I'll never pull through
Made mistakes in this past
Not knowing if this will last
If you'll drift off too,
Because every time I see you
I forget ever thing
My heart starts to sing
But I know
It's never going to be
Just a fantasy
Just another one of my day dreams
But this heart you did mend
The messages that they send
They say it's all about love
It's something in the air
They say it needs to be
But it doesn't have to
Right now I don't care.

Life and Ever After
PoésieThese are poems dedicated to my friends, they have been helping me through rough times. Thank you. Oh and theres MUSIC request a song if you want or a poem!