Twenty Eight // Driver.

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I wake up to a extremely loud pounding downstairs. I sit up and rub my face, Josh is gone. I sigh, pull on a big sweatshirt, leggings, and some fuzzy socks. Josh was right, those holes in the wall really did chill the place down.

Slowly, I walk to the window. I pull away the tarp, I zone out looking at the muddy footprints that track out of my yard.

A loud smash downstairs brings me back to reality. I draw my sweater around me closer and begin to walk down the stairs.

"Would you sit still?" Josh groans loudly. "I'm trying to work."

I round the corner and find Josh on a step ladder, and his pitbull, Driver dancing around at his feet.

"Driver." I smile patting my lap. "Come mere boy!" I fall to my knees to greet him happily.

"Oh good, your up. Did I wake you? I'm sorry." Josh says coming over and kissing my lips.

"Yeah, where did you get all this stuff? And why is Driver here?" I ask.

"My parents couldn't handle him anymore. They sent him out here with one of Claudia's friends."

"They don't know..?" I whisper.

"No they don't. And we aren't going to tell them just yet." He says. I watch him run his hands through his hair. "Not until I move in alright?" He says with a hint of a smile.

"Move in?" I exclaim pushing Driver off and standing up. "Moving in!" I exclaim again. "Are you serious? Your gonna move in?!"

"Well yeah obviously. I have to protect you. And I can't do that if I'm not here."

I smile.

"But only if that's what you want." He says with his hands on my shoulders.

"It is." I nod. "Oh my god it is!" He hugs me tightly, and then kisses me hard.

"I'm moving in then." He smiles. "And so is he." He looks to the floor.

"He's our mentally unstable child." I smirk and then kiss Josh again. "But I do have one concern." I whisper.

"What's that?"

"The media." I speak.

"We can try and keep it hidden. Say we're just going over the script and stuff."

"But you know people will talk." I say.

"They will. Then our parents will find out. So we better tell them first." He says.

"Christmas and New Years eve is coming up. Let's tell them then. Have them all come here."

"That's a good idea."

"Yeah, and it'll give me plenty of time to get the window fixed. And then if this works out, which I think it will, we can find a new place. Bigger further away from the city if that's what you want." He smiles hugging me and pressing our foreheads together.

"I love you." I smile. "It's gonna be a great life with you Joshua Ryan." I whisper barely loud enough for him to hear me.

"It's gonna be a great life." He agrees nodding softly.

"Why don't you take Driver out for a walk, and I'll keep working here." He suggests.

"I don't know if I want to be in town alone." I admit.

"Everything's fine. She won't do anything to you in public." He tells me.

"As long as your sure." I trail off.

"I am baby." He smiles and takes my head in his hands. His fingers gently caress my chin and our lips touch. He kisses me slowly and then breaks apart, both of us breathing hard.

Can It Be? ; A Joshifer Story.Where stories live. Discover now