Eight // The Flight.

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Josh's POV;

"Just think about this: why the hell would your best friend lie to you about your girlfriend? Can't think of a reason can yah?That's because they wouldn't. Just remember that when you try and accuse me of whatever stupid shit your about to accuse me of."

Those words rattle trough my brain, and have been since then. How could I have been so dumb as to actually let the fight go that far? Why didn't I tell her right then and there how I felt?

"Mr. Hutcherson, we're here." My driver tells me from the front seat of my car.

"Thanks." I nod.

He hurries to open my door, and then open the truck to hand me my luggage. "Thanks." I say again and hand him a ten dollar bill.

"Thank you, sir." His thick Indian accent coming through as he speaks.

I walk through the doors of the Kentucky state airport, the only one we have here since we're kind of small and not many of us ever want to leave. I enter the airport and the boot makes me walk with a slight limp. 

This flight is going to be awkward. No one else is going to be here, just Jen and I, No one else is here in Kentucky to fly with us, Liam left a few days ago. And right now I desperately want anyone else here with us right now.

"Now boarding flight to Hawaii, first class only." A voice says over the intercom.

I see her head of short blonde hair and her small body in a baggy outfit. She looks at me and my eyes instantly look away. I want to run up to her and tell her how sorry I was and that I want her back in my life. These past four days have been hell, not talking to her and having to deal with the fact that she hated me.

I shrug my bag further onto my shoulder and walk towards the woman smiling wearing a flight attendants uniform. "Hello." She smiles widely to Jen who wears a slackened frown and furrowed brow. "Boarding pass please." She smiles and holds out her hand to Jen, she hands it to her and the attendent looks to me. "And you young man?"

Jen finally turns around to look at me, and I can't help but look away, ashamed of myself.

"Yes, here." I hand my boarding pass to her over Jen's shoulder. 

"Thank you." She smiles.

There's a long awkward moment of silence as we're waiting for her to accept our passes. "I can help you with your bag if you'd like." I offer to Jen as I look at my feet. 

"I've got it." She responds blandly.

"All right." I nod.

"This way you two." The attendant smiles to us and motions for us to follow her.

We walk down the familiar tunnel to the plane, soft felt lines the walks. I walk with a limp down the hallway, my black boot making a soft clank on the floor as we go.

"And here you are." She smiles motioning for us to go behind a curtain. We go back behind the curtain and find four rows of three seats with a walking space between them.

I sit in the back right corner seat, and Jen in the middle row closest to the middle.

We wait for the plane to begin to fill, a young couple gets bumped up to first class with us, the looks on their faces tell me that this just made their trip a little better.

I fall asleep watching an old Wes craven movie, scream.

Wes is my idol, and always has been. He has made the best movies, and is one of the most genius men in the world - side from myself. I remember the first time I watched one of his movies. It was with my cousins, I was almost fourteen years old. We watched nightmare on elm street. Everyone was scared, worried about what would happen next with Marge and Donald Thompson. But I was fascinated by the beauty of the film, how even for how old it was, the plot was amazing, the way it was directed and made was perfect. I cared more about how it was made compared to what happened in it.

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