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I woke up groaning as my head was throbbing, I always say I'm not going to drink much but that's never gonna be the case. I slipped away from Brie's sleeping figure and went the bathroom to take care of my business.

When I entered back into the room Brie was sitting in the edge and of the bed rubbing her temples.

"At least I'm not alone in this" she groaned

"Let's take our stuff and go, I have to check out"

"We can go eat something first if you want"

"I'll meet you downstairs" she walked past me to go to the bathroom

Brie met up with me in the dinning area, we had breakfast and met some of the others from the wedding and some of them were worse than me even Kimberley was pretty hammered from last night, I talked to her while Brie was taking some pastries to leave with

"How's the love of my life?" Kimberley smiled

"She's doing great as usual she's responding very well to the chemotherapy and she keeps on asking for you or Angelo"

"We tend to have that affect in girls" she rolled her eyes

After a nice chat with Kimberley I got my stuff, checkout of the hotel and went to the house. The house was in silence which meant the husband and wife were still asleep. I went into Brie and I's room, Brie trailing behind me, I dropped my luggage on the ground causing Brie to glare at me and rested her luggage up against the wall

"What are we gonna do today?" Brie dropped face down onto the bed

"Sleep" her voice was muffled

"Let's go watch a movie or something" she groaned

Brie and I had a bit of a fight over who gets control over the TV and she won and decided to watch American Horror Story, I personally don't like that show, horror is not really my thing. So I just sat on the floor eating frozen yogurt to be honest it is somewhat nicer than ice cream

"Are you guys seriously gonna just sit around and do nothing"?"Brie and I groaned. I wasn't really in the mood to do anything but I do want to take Brie out later

"Come on guys you're in Greece do something exciting, go see the Athens, visit Rhodes island, go stuff your faces at different restaurants, something"

"I'm recovering from a hangover" Brie said

"I want to know what a food coma feels like" I stuffed my mouth with yogurt

"You guys are boring"

"Anyways we're out of here" Angelo left to go to the car

"Don't come back pregnant" Brie and I said together, it seems we think alike

"Where the hell were you two like 5 months ago?" she placed her hands on her hips

"I did not tell you to follow in my foot steps" Brie said

"Whatever Angelo did I taught him that" Brie and Andrea scrunched up their faces in disgust

"That is nasty Chris" Andrea said

"Not like that. I need to tell you guys about the time Angelo and I dated those twins in collage. There was this one time before we broke up with them with had a foursome and I showed Angelo-"

"Bye Chris and Brie, have fun and don't kill each other" she ran out of the house and I began laughing

"You're joking right?"

"Just know I'll never talk about my past sex life" I smirked

"you're fucking disgusting" I heard the car drive away and I sighed

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