Chapter Twenty

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September 7, 1956 12 PM

*Jessica POV*

I creep into the living room to try and get a listen at what Colonel needed to say to Elvis. The door was closed, but I could clearly hear him. He was a very angry man. I turn to Officer Loretta, "Did you hear what I just heard?" Fear racks me as she shakes her head, "Someone let the word out that I was pregnant with E's child, and that I lost it." Tears well up in my eyes as Elvis comes back into the suite. He looks me over and rushes into the bedroom, slamming the door. Though it wasn't directed at me, it still shook me to my core. I sigh and sink down onto the couch. Why was it always one thing after another with him? Couldn't we just be happy for a little while?

Officer Loretta sinks down beside me and wraps an arm around my shoulder, "I'm really sorry this is happening. I don't know how it got out, but I know it'll resolve itself."

I nod, unable to say anything more. I stand and try the bedroom door, finding it locked. I sigh and head into the bathroom, trying the door that goes into the bedroom; it was locked too. I knock lightly on the door, "Elvis? Please let me in." Crashing comes from inside the room, and he doesn't answer, instead he curses to himself.  I sink down to the floor and start to cry. Why was he taking this out on me? I didn't tell anyone. I beat on the door with my fist, "Let me in there, Elvis! If you want to be three, do it to my face!" I stand and continue beating on the door as I yell at him. I didn't care that Officer Loretta was in the living room, this wasn't fair to me.

The door swings open, and Elvis stands before me panting. He looks me square in the eye and clenches his jaw, "I don't want to see you right now. Go spill some more secrets about us somewhere else!" My heart wrenches as he yells. I look up at him as tears spill from my eyes. He simply turns and hands me my bags, "Go stay with Joe! I'll get you when I think you've learned your lesson."

I blink a couple times, trying to decide if he was serious, "Elvis... I didn't tell anyone anything. I've been cooped up in this damn hotel room since I got out of the hospital!"

He pulls a newspaper out of his back pocket and flashes it in my face, "Then what's this? Huh?!"

Shakily, I take the paper and start to read. Straight from the mouth of Presley's girlfriend, we give you all the details of the failed pregnancy... As I read on, I become increasingly frustrated. None of this came from my mouth. In fact, the only part that was true was about me losing the baby. I look up at Elvis, "Did you even read the article before you decided to get all angry?" He shakes his head sheepishly. I bite my lip, "None of this article is true! It's all fabricated. I can't believe you!" I kick my bags at him and turn, storming out of the room. I head across to Joe's and knock, the door opens immediately, "Joe, can I stay with you? Elvis is having a fit, and I can't bare to be near him right now."

Joe smiles, "Sure, come on in." He steps aside and allows me to come in. Just as the door reaches closed, it gets kicked open and Elvis comes in. Joe turns to him, "E, what are you doing?"

I turn to face him as he storms over to me, grabs my waist, and hoists me into his shoulder. I scream and start to beat on his back, but he doesn't put me down. He carries me back across the hall into his suite. "Officer, you'll have to excuse the two of us for a little while. Jessica and I need to have a little chat, and I'd prefer if we were alone."

I peek around his shoulder and watch as she nods, "Sure. I'll just go wait in the hall. Come and get me when you're finished with your chat."

As she starts to walk out, I grab her arm, "Wait. Please don't leave." I plead with her, feeling completely overwhelmed and frightened. She just smiles and shakes her head, leaving the suite. Elvis carries me to the bedroom and sets me on the bed, looking down at me. I fold my arms over my chest, "Well? What do you want?!"

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