Goodbye for now

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Hiya! I hope that your enjoying this story! Probably not though😅

I'll try my best to make this story interesting!

(Pikachus POV)

The next time I see them I'm gonna make them pay for hurting Ash! He trusted them, gave them hope as well as a dream to achieve and this is how they repay him?! He's done so much yet they treat it as nothing, as if he had to help them. Ash doesnt need to help anyone, yet he still does no matter what. He gave me a chance to become strong and i took it, he didn't care about what i did to him before, how rude i was. All he does is show kindness to others and now I see how much they take that for granted.

" Thanks... Pikachu " What would he be thanking me for, doesn't he remember that i also accidentally shocked him too? Well from what I can tell he's running twords professor Oaks lab, he seems out of breath, maybe the thunderbolt was a bit to much, even for him.

( Normal POV )

Ash continued running as fast as he could until he got to the door of the lab, he knocked on it twice and waited for someone to open the door.

After a few moments the professor opened the door and let him in. Ash quickly explained what happened and that he needs all his pokemon. Oak agreed and gave Ash the pokeballs as they went outside.

Once there Ash gathered all his pokemon ( thanks to the help of bulbasuar) and gave them an update on what happened. They couldn't believe it, most of them wanted to go and give them a beating while the rest were concerned about Ash's hand.

It had very faint burn marks and bits of blood seeping out of where Brock's nail dug into his skin, he had it lay against his side trying not to move it or show signs of pain. From the looks of it, it would seem that is either broken or twisted, but hurts the same

Ash took notice if the Pokemon looking at his arm in pity.

" Don't worry I'm fine " he tried to reassure them

Pikachu hung his head down in shame, Ash smiled and placed his good hand on top of the electric mouse

" Thank you for helping me out pikachu  " Ash gently scratched behind his ears as he tried to be convincing. " I think its best that we leave now, if its alright with you guys "

His pokemon could tell by the eagerness in his voice that he couldn't wait to get away for there. They all cheered and roared as a response

Ash gave a slight chuckle at their behavior. " Charzard, would you fly us out of here? "

Charzard roared then use a flamethrower to show off his power

" Thank you, everyone else return " all his pokemon were returned to their pokéballs with the exception of pikachu and charzard.

Suddenly a loud bang echoed though out the lab, you could probably guess what or who it is. Voices rung out twords the tree as they stood there facing the building.  Ash began to walk closer, as he got on the porch he could see the betrayers through the clear door. He stopped and listened to what they were saying, their backs were faced twords him so being able to spot him wasn't a problem. Moments passed as Ash tried to decipher what they were talking about, they were talking to fast and with an unclear tone to make it harder to hear. It seemed like they were asking the professor for Ash's whereabouts, thankfully the professor wasn't gonna realise that information to them. Ash took notice of their appearance, Brock's clothes had burn marks covering them from Pikachus attack while the others only had a couple, from the bits of lighting that separated from the main attack. Ash felt pikachu hop up on his shoulder and watch the others as well, they seemed to be getting more upset by each passing second. The boy decided that he didn't want to stay any longer, he turned around and ran back twords charzard.

" Charzard lets go! " Ash said as charzard rose in the air. He continued to run as he felt charzard coming from behind, with most of his energy he jumped off the ground and landed on the flying dragons back. Ignoring the burning sensation he felt coming from his arm, he hung on as tight as he could with pikachu on his shoulder and charzard flying as fast as he could

Next stop... Kalos

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