A Kiss?!

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All the girls decided to drag the boys along with them as they went shopping. They were exiting a clothing store when they heard a familiar voice,coming from the restaurant across the road.


They found the source the voice came from, it was Gary. They watched as Ash made a reply, but were to far away to hear it. After the waitress delivered their order of food the group started laughing and making jokes, most likely at Gary's expense.

" They look like they're having fun.... " Max thought aloud.

" Maybe we should go and...uh...join them? " Dawn suggested, sounding unsure of asking.

" I'm not sure if that's a great idea. " Brock said.

They all felt a cold chill run down their spine.

" I-I-I guess we should head b-back to the hotel? " Misty asked.

" Yeah.. " Everyone replied, wanting to get out of that cold atmosphere.

As they were walking back May noticed that Ms. Ketchum looked a bit upset.

" Is something wrong? " She asked.

" Uh...oh no, its nothing. " Delia answered, trying to fake a smile.

" I'll see if I can talk to him later " The Professor told her, knowing that she was worried about her son.

Bonnie's POV

About time they took the hint, I mean I've been shooting death glares at them for the last minute while they stare creepily at Ash! Jeez, they're so annoying. At least they left, well just in time for us to get leaving too.

" Bonnie, you ready to go? " Serena asked me.

" Yep " I replied and put on a smile, I guess they didn't notice the uneasiness in the air.

As we were walking back to the hotel I decided to ask my brother what he was scribbling down on a piece of paper.

" What'd you jotting down? " I asked, trying to get a good look of what it was.

" An idea for my new invention! I'm still working on the name though. " Clemont admitted.

" Knowing you, you'll probably come up with something. " I told him.

I looked back at the rest of the group, Ash and Serena were chatting with each other, Gary and Paul were arguing, and everyone else was talking about their battles.

" Why don't we go shopping? " Shauna asked.

" Sure, lets go! " Serena cheered, as all the boys groaned in disagreement.

So we spent what seemed like hours buying clothes, accessories, etc. We finally took a break at this one store, inside they had clothes, games, TV's that were showing Pokemon battles. The boys seemed to be at least a bit interested, although Clemont and I stayed outside on a battle field while he built his invention. It was boring just sitting alone, so I brought out Dedenne and we ate some leftovers of dessert from the restaurant.

We had gotten chocolate covered strawberries, they were amazing!!! After we finished eating, I returned Dedenne and checked on how my brother was doing.

" Is it done yet? "

" Almost " he replied.

I guess I won't get much more of an answer. I looked back at the building everyone else was in, it had around 7 floors with open windows everywhere. And guess who was one the 4 floor right next to an open window, Ash and Serena. I stood there quietly watching, I didn't want to cause any attention to myself so I could see what they were up too.

Ash put his hand on her cheek and the two slowly closed the gap that was in between them. I really wanted to grab my camera that I have in my bag, but I was afraid I'd miss getting a good shot anyway. Instead I just decided to watch the action unfold. They were inches away from each other, and I had to use all my strength not to yell ' JUST KISS ALREADY! '. They both closed they're eyes as they both leaned in, then....


The loud noise scared both me and the two lovebirds. I quickly spun around to look behind me and low and behold there was Clemont, who's hair was all messed up and he was next to his invention which looked burnt. I immediately came to the conclusion that his invention blew up.

" CLEMONT, WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! " I yelled at him, he just stared at me with a somewhat confused expression. " THEY WERE JUST ABOUT TO KISS! "

I turned around and looked back up to the window the two were in before. Serena had gone off somewhere and Ash was laying across the window sill with his arms dangling off the edge, his face had an expression that said ' I've given up on everything ' .

I sighed and looked at the ground. So close too........ at least I have something to bug Serena about.

" Excuse me, is Ash here? " A voice asked and dragged me out of my thoughts.

I looked to my side and saw an old man wearing a lab coat, from what Ash has told me I guessed this was the famous professor Oak. Weird, I could have sworn I saw him somewhere else before, like at a..... restaurant... or something.

" Ugh " I groaned, apparently he heard me and gave me a confused look. Who knew old people had good hearing.

I turned back to the window, that felt I had been looking at it for the past hour, and yelled " ASH, YOU GOT COMPANY! "

He looked in the direction I was pointing and sighed. I guess while he's talking to the old man I'll ' talk ' to Clemont. With that decided I walked twords him while cracking my knuckles.

Well that's it for this chapter, hope your enjoying this story.

Thanks for reading! Bye!

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