Chapter 2: Trash Couple

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     "I cannot believe that son of a bitch is still alive!" I yelled while slamming my fist against my locker. It was lunch and I was raging like crazy.
     "How is he alive?" Rachel questioned. “Dude I wanted to hit him so hard when I saw him!”
     "I thought he was dead... The Masked Man killed him, right?" Caitlin asked in her small confused voice.
     "I don't know anymore." I leaned my back against the wall next to my locker and slid down to sit down. I set my head on my knees. Suddenly I recalled. "Hey, remember that big battle between me and my grandfather? He stabbed me through the stomach just like he did to Mike."
     "No normal human would survive that.” Michelle set her finger on her chin making her look like she was thinking deeply. “Maybe your abilities allow you to survive things normal humans can't." She explains.
     "Yup. I was thinkin' the same thing." I say. The four of us start walking towards our next class since the bell was going to ring soon. Before we could make it to our class Cassie ended up walking in front of us. I sighed. Instantly there was a crowd around us, like usual. "Caisse I am not in the mood so get it over with so I can ditch you..." She smirked. After a few seconds Mike ended up walking up behind her. "Oh god... Let me guess, you two are a couple?" Cassie jumped onto Mike and put her arms around  him.
     "Thats right!" She said.
     "Oh God I just threw up a bit in my mouth." I say.
     "Excuse m-!" She was cut off from Mike speaking.
     "Calm down sweetie." He said. I swear I was going to throw up all over both of them if they keep this mushy gushy shit up. "It's been awhile, huh?"
     "I was having a good day..." I say sarcastically.
     "So you beat him eh?" He was talking about my grandfather. I stayed quiet and nodded. "Not bad." He stepped closer to me.
     "Get any closer to me and I'll punch your face in." I say while looking him in the eye. He chuckles slightly. “What the hell Mike? How are you here?”
     “Aw! Jealous ex?” Cassie says. The crowd laughs and some of the guys started screaming like idiots.
     “What the hell? No!” I looked at Sassy then back at Mike.
     “Ill explain eventually…” Mike says. “But for now, just know that I'm your new enemy…” He stood right next to me and whispered that last part in my ear. The bell rings,and all of a sudden the crowd disappears and Mike and I part our ways.
     The four of my friends ended up going to the old tree we used to hang out at at our elementary school. We sat down in a circle and were talking about the crazy shit that happened today. I was quiet for almost the entire talk, which worried my friends. "Sophia?" Michelle asked. "How you doing?"
     "I don't know..." I say quietly. "We already know that he is planning something. And I don't feel good about it." The three don't say anything, they just nod. Suddenly I hear footsteps behind me. At first I thought it was the one of the four guys or some other kid we knew, but when I turned around, Mike was there. "Sunofva..." I stood up and stood some feet away from him. Of course, he smirked.
     "Ya know... You're pretty stupid." He says. I chuckle.
     "Tell me something I don't know."
     "You don't know a thing about your ability."
     "Yes I am fully aware."
     "Your grandfather left behind a syringe with me before he died, it could give any normal human abilities. But there is way more back at his lab." My eyes widen. "But, sadly, I have no idea where his lab is." Praise the lord amen... "But you, are special."
     "Don't ever say that again, it makes me feel gross when it comes outta your mouth. Anyways, what do you mean i'm special?" I ask while lifting an eyebrow.
     "See your grandfather made many of the same abilities. Most people would die after passing out when he inserts the syringe into them." I swallow and grab my neck, where I was injected with my abilities. "We were strong enough and survived this part. But yet there still something different about you."
     "And what would that be?" I ask. He starts laughing.
     "Ah! You really think I'd tell you? Haha! Well, here's your hint in about 5 seconds." He says. Those entire 5 seconds were quiet. Five seconds felt like 5 years in this scenario. But once it was over, my chest felt like someone was pushing me. The same as it did during dinner with my friends yesterday. It was hard to breathe and I started shaking. Quickly, I fell to my knees and Mike started walking off. "Sophia!" Michelle knelt down next to me and gripped my arm.
     “What the hell is this?!” Rachel yelled. She demanded an answer. My head started to hurt, and bad too. I felt like I was going to pass out. My body felt like someone else was taking control of it. My eyelids suddenly felt heavy as I slowly passed out.
     "Stop it!" I yelled as I ran to my friends.
     "S-Sophia behind you!" Michelle yells. Before I could turn around I felt a sharp pain in my upper back. The next thing I knew there was blood everywhere. My heart beat slowly stopped as I fell to the ground.
     "Agh!" I yelled as I shot up. I had no idea where I was for a split second. But then realized that I was in my bed at home with a blanket over me. A dream? I thought to myself. I jumped out of my bed and walked out to the living room to see my mom. "H-Hey." I said with drowsiness. I felt like I had been asleep for 100 years.
     "Hello Sophia!" She says.
     "What- How did I get here?" I asked.
     "Rachel carried you on her back here. Apparently you passed out." She didn't seemed to concerned so I assumed 'passed out' ment 'fell asleep' to her. The girls probably said fell asleep to my mom. I walked back to my room and pulled out my phone to ask my friends what happened.
(R = Rachel, S = Sophia, M = Michelle, C = Caitlin).

S: Hey guys.



M: Sophia!! You're okay! You scared us when you passed out! DX

S: Sorry 'bout that. What happened though?

R: We were gonna ask u that.

C: Trash bag Mike showed up.

S: Yea, I remember that and everything he said.

M: But when he said your hint to why you're different will be in five seconds... You passed out...

S: Yea...

M: Why?

S: I don't know. I remember feeling like I couldn't breath. My entire body felt like it was under someone else's control. Then my eyelids just felt heavy then BOOM! I passed out. Meh, I'm not too concerned.

C: Of course you're not but the rest of us are.

S: If I can survive being stabbed through the stomach by my own grandfather I can survive any shit Mike throws at me. And as I keep telling myself to not be concerned it eventually makes me not concerned legitimately.

R: Fair enough.

M: ...

R: What's wrong Michelle?

M: The fact that she isn't concerned... Sophia you're crazy.

S: Don't make me say it...

M: Huh?



R: Fucking kill yourself


S: Shit! It's 11:30?! Thank god it's Friday. Wait Rachel you carried me back home?

R: Yup

M: 😐

C: 😂

S: Neat. Well, we can talk about this later, ima go to bed, night.

M: Nighty-Night!

R: bye

C: Adios

M: Wait you're seriously going to bed?

S: Nah. I'm gonna binge watch Markiplier. See ya later alligators

*Sophia has left the chat*

M: There's something wrong with her... Im worried.

R: Same

C: I agree. We need pie.
R: Wut? Why?


*Caitlin has left the chat*

M: Well...

R: Guess it's just you and me

M: The next adventure... Its coming, isn't it?

R: Yes...

M: What if something happens to Sophia? She's so reckless and she will die trying to save us if she had to.

R: That girl is so crazy she would be able to save us and herself somehow.

M: That's true I guess.

R: I gtg. Bye.

M: Bye.

*Rachel has left the chat*

M: Sophia... You need to worry more about yourself...

*Sophia has entered the chat*

S: I aint good at that. TO THE YOUTUBES! Dragon girl, out

*Sophia has left the chat*

M: WHAT?! *sigh* This girl...

*Michelle has left the chat*

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