Chapter 10: Boomers

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Sophia's POV

     "So if Mike comes back how are you gonna fight him?" Rachel asked. We were all gathered at my house before Rachel's birthday party. She'd be turning 15 this month. We knew that Mike would try to attack us on a happy day to us. So what other way to lay low than to go to a very public place like Boomers?! The fun arcade!

     "I dunno." I answer.

     "Let's go girls!" My mom yelled.

     "LET'S GET IT!" I yelled while jumping out of my seat. And the four of us piled up in my van. "Let's try and have a good time okay? No talk about Mike the spike unless it's about how much of a dick he is." Caitlin started laughing.

     "Mike the Spike!" She repeated. Caitlin and I were laughing while Michelle and Rachel looked at us confused.

     "I don't get it." Rachel spoke.

     "I know!" I answered between laughter.

     Once we got to boomers I was uneasy the entire time. I constantly felt a pair of eyes on me. People definitely recognized me, they'd give me dirty looks and glares. Some mothers left with their younger kids. Other teenagers around my age just ignored me and continued having a nice time. I wish everyone did that.

     We decided to go inside one of the horror rides where you sit inside the game machine and have to shoot demonic creatures.. It was for only 2 people but what we did was have Rachel and I in the seats, Michelle in the middle, and Caitlin on my lap. After a few minutes of screaming at each other to 'shoot this guy' and 'kill that guy', I yelled to Caitlin, "Hey take my spot! I need to use the bathroom!"

     "Okay!" She yelled back. She stood up for a second as I slipped out of the seat. Once I was out of the ride I decided to walk around. My chest felt weird. Like someone was pushing on it hardly. I placed my hand over my chest and took deep breaths. But every inhale and exhale brought a quick spike of pain.

     "Sophia!" A voice yelled. It was Michelle. "I thought you were going to the bathroom?" She asked. I didn't answer. Michelle dropped the conversation and the two of us walked around. I walked up to the 3 tv's where you could play the game Fruit Ninja. I was watching as a group of kids no older than 10 attempted to play the game. It made me laugh a little how they were playing. They sucked but it was kinda cute. After a few minutes of looking at the kids, the power suddenly went out. Did I mention it was 9 at night? So it was basically pitch black outside. Michelle had a mini heart attack and grabbed my arm. After a couple seconds only the screens of all the video games came back on. The same thing was showing on every screen, just fuzz. Like when a channel goes off the air. But there was no noise, just fuzz. I stared at the screen that the kids were playing at. The kids were now crying in fear and ran to their parents. There was nothing but people talking about how confused they were, until there was sound coming from the screens. It was white noise. Loud and ear piercing white noise. After a few seconds of that noise some text appeared over the fuzz. I read the words out loud as they appeared. "December 19th... Golden Gate Bridge... Meet me there..." Those three word kept getting replayed every 5 seconds. After some time the words switched every second. It was almost like a horror movie where something happens and it speeds up to build tension. But then that something will stop, which is exactly what the text did. Now it was just fuzz. Everyone started to leave the building slowly. No one was to sure about what to do in this scenario. I was about to walk away when an annoying noise started playing, taking place of the previously annoying white noise. It was like when you come back from a concert and your ears start ringing when you get home. High pitched and constant. People were plugging their ears and even leaving the building. I looked at the screen and read the new words on it. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE... When I finished reading the message all the screens went out. And instantly after all of the power came back on. Michelle was still holding onto my arm when the power came back on. With my hands in my jean pockets, I balled them into fist. Mike, you're just asking for an ass whoopin'... After some time the regular games came back on the screens and the arcade was filled with video game music. Some kids started crying and screaming while I could hear others that were my age yell things like 'What the fuck?!' or sometimes, 'What the fuck did that mean?!'

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