Chapter 7: Sophia vs. Mike

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"I just remembered, what happened in September, Im the one who killed them all, I survived afted the fall." 

The Living Tombstone, September

     "So how did you remember?" My mom asked. We were already halfway to San Francisco in a mere 10 minutes due to my mom's psycho driving.

     "Uh..." I said while looking out the window. I don't know what I was looking for, maybe a sight of where Mike is. Or some sort of explosion. "I was... On my computer, and the most recent news was about Mike, and then they just all came flooding back." I kept looking out the window. "Damn it... Who's idea was it to not tell me?! I probably worried the girls sick."

     After about another ten minutes we made it to the San Mateo Bridge. I noticed a small but effective explosion. "Hurry up mom!" I yelled. She stepped on the gas and we were close enough to where my mom wouldn't get hurt. "See ya mom!" I said as I rushed out of the car.

"Sophia! Wait!" She called out, but I was already out the door. I saw my friends and Mike was getting ready to attack them. All of them were hurt. Before Mike could hit them I made a 'shield of fire' to block him. And we all know that fire plus water leads to smoke. For a moment I don't think anyone noticed me. But then the smoke cleared and I turned around to look at everyone. Their eyes widened. Instead of a heartwarming moment I looked at my friends angrily and said. "Okay, who's the bitch that thought it was okay to NOT tell me?" Instantly everyone pointed at Ryan. I cocked an eyebrow then Ryan put his hands up in surrender.

     "Hey it wasn't just me!" He said. I shrugged.

     "Fair enough. But i'm still gonna bitch slap you after this." I said while turning back to face Mike. "Oh god."

     "Whats wrong?" Rachel asked.

     "Well, last time we saw each other I kinda did kill his girlfriend." I started walking towards him, slowly. "Mike! Please listen to me!" I was going to try and be civil with him.

     "Why should I?!" He yelled back.

     "I'm sorry!" I yelled. He looked at me surprised. "Look I may have hated Cassie but I never would have killed her no matter how much I hated her! I don't wish death upon anyone, even my enemies."

      "But you did!"

     "I did because I went crazy! And not to sound like a bitch but you two made me go crazy!" His eyes widened. Then he took a breath.

     "I tried to save her. But I guess I just expected that she could save herself." He said. I chuckled sarcastically.

     "Ya know, my old man kinda rubbed off on ya." I said. "The whole 'I expected more' thing. He mentioned the same thing before-." I stopped talking. "Enough of that. Just, you should not expect someone to instantly be able to do what you want them to." He stays quiet.

     "I was almost happy today until you showed up." He said. I backed away slightly from him, expecting him to attack me at any moment. Which he did. I dodged him and attacked him back. Mike was stronger. I guess he expected me to get my memories back eventually. But my guess was that he was going to kill my friends first. I surrounded my fist in flames and ran towards him. But he dodged and instead he punched me. Yea, he was WAY stronger than before. And to add onto that, the fact that I killed his friend probably just fueled his anger and helped drive his determination to kill me.

Rachel's POV

     "Guys!" I called everyone over, away from the battle hidden behind a building. We all gathered around.

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