Chapter 3: Grey Eyes

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     My day at school was the most peaceful I've had in ages. Not one person bullied me! Not even Mike and Cassie! It almost felt weird how easy the day was. Though it may mean those two are up to something. But I decided to just enjoy my day. Again, on my way out I was listening to music when Michelle pulled me aside. "Sophia, look at me for a sec?" She asked. I was confused for a moment but I listened. I put my phone and earbuds in the front pocket of my backpack and looked at Michelle.
     "Whats up?" I asked. Her eyes widened when she looked into my eyes.
     "S-Sophia, what...?" She couldn't finish her sentence she was so shocked about something on me. She pulled out her phone, changed the camera to the front camera and showed me. When I looked at myself I was shocked to see that my left eye was turning a completely grey color. Even the white of my eye!

     "Crap..." I say. "Let's get outta here. Before people start shitting bricks."

     "Yea!" Michelle quickly grabs my hand and starts running. I followed behind her while covering my eye. "Were almost out!" She says.

     "Relax!" I spoke quietly to her. "It doesn't hurt it just... Feels weird..." It really did feel weird. I wasn't too sure how to describe it. But by the time Michelle and I were outside the school by the music room, it actually hurt a bit.

     We waited outside the school for an hour together. After 30 minutes my eye started hurting a lot. Then for some reason the longer we stayed, the more it started to hurt. "Move your hand." Michelle said. Slowly I moved my hand. Michelle grabbed my hand so I wouldn't be tempted to grab my eye again.

     "Hey!" A voice says. "Whats up you guys?" It was Caitlin. I looked over to see who else was there. It was her and Ben.

     "Hey, what took you all forever?" I asked. Michelle forcefully turned my head to face her. I sighed. "Geez, mom relax..." I said.

     "We were retaking a test, sorry." Caitlin explains.

     "Ben! You're the smart one, come take a look at Sophia's eye." Michelle said. Michelle stood up next to Caitlin so Ben could take her seat. I weakly opened my eye. By this point, my eye actually really hurt.

     "As smart as I am, I have no idea what's going on here." Ben says quietly. I sighed and closed my eye again.

     "It isn't an eye contact, is it?" Caitlin asked.

     "Shut up." I say while slightly laughing.

     "Then it's almost definitely something to do with your abilities." Caitlin says.


     "What are you gonna do?"

     "I don't know... I'll just head home for now."

     "How are you gonna get rid of it? None of us have any idea what this is and what to do about it." Michelle says concerned.

     "I'm just gonna hope it goes away by itself." I said while standing up.

     "Okay then." Ben said. "We'll i'll see you all later." Ben walked off. Michelle and Caitlin looked over at me.

     "Let's head home." Michelle said. I nodded and stood up and the two of us started walking home.

     Caitlin walked with Michelle and me until she had to take a different route than us to get to her house. "Does it hurt?" Michelle asked. It did. But I simply answered with,

     "No." The area around my eye and the eye itself was in pain.

     "Do you think this has something to do with what Mike said?"

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