9. Sleep

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-Ashton's PoV-

My eyes shot open to an ear splitting scream. 


I thew the covers off myself and ran to her room, not caring that I didn't have a shirt or proper pants on. Meaning only boxers. Her door was shut and I didn't even bother knocking. I ran into the room to see Sam kicking and thrashing. She was screaming her heart out.

"No! Just stop! No!" she yelled.

I climbed onto the side of the bed and shook her.

"Sam! Sam wake up!" I whispered/yelled. She still didn't wake up, so I grabbed her arm, desperate to wake her up.

"No! Don't touch me!" she screamed.

She thrashing out, hitting me clear across the face in the process. The impact of her hit sent me falling off the bed, hitting the floor with a thud. Pain shot through my head from her fist, and I could taste blood in my mouth and noted that my nose was bleeding slightly.

Sam instantly jumped up. She looked around, horrified. She saw me on the floor and gasped.

"Oh my god Ashton!" she threw the covers off the bed and rushed over to me. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" she whispered.

She took my head in her hands and lightly traced where she had hit me. Even though I was in pain, I still got to examine everything about her. Her eyebrows furrowed together when she studied something. Her hazel eyes full of worry. It made me feel better to know that all her attention was on me. Her chocolate brown hair flowing perfectly even though she had just gotten out of bed. Her makeup free face glowed perfectly in the moonlight. I think she also has an eyebrow pierce, but it was hard to tell. It took me a minute to realize how close together we were. 

Holy shit. I think I like my soon to be step-sister.

"Damnit. I'm so sorry Ash," she whispered. "I'll be right back," she said, getting up and walking to the bathroom.

 She walked back and out with a towel. She pulled me up to the bed, and scooted closer to me so that she could put the towel to my face. Her left hand held the back of my head lightly as she pressed the towel to my nose to stop the bleeding. Her fingers left tingles going down my body.

She wiped my nose again and pulled back, seeing that my nose had stopped bleeding. We sat in silence for a while before I glanced down at her perfect rosy lips. We moved a little closer until I could feel her warm breath against my lips.

The door opened, making both of us jump back.

"Sam? You ok?" I heard Harry call. Bless the boy. He got up in the middle of the night to check on his soon to be step-sister.

"Yeah," breathed Sam. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for checking Harry," she said.

"Ok. Night!" he called.

"Night!" she called.

I turned back to Sam. It was probably the most uncomfortable silence I have ever sat through. I didn't really know what to say. I almost kissed her and I'm going to be honest, I would have loved it. I heard her sigh, probably not sure what to say either. After a while, I cleared my throat.

"Umm, I guess I'll just um get back to my room and..." I trailed off, scratching the back of my neck.

"Um, yeah. I guess I'll see you tomorrow... Night Ash," she mumbled.

I walked out of her room and closed the door. I walked across the hall to my room and closed the door behind me. I mentally face-palmed at my awkwardness. I climbed back in bed and let out a sigh.

I almost kissed my soon to be stepsister. Is that wrong?

-Sam's PoV-

Well hot damn. Ashton shirtless? Fuck. His light hazel eyes and toned abbs? Oh hell. He was absolutely perfect. He seriously was the most perfect human being on the face of the fucking earth! Why is this happening to me? Ashton made me forget all about my nightmare. It normally takes me forever to realize that it was just a dream. I guess Ashton was the angel from my nightmares. His messy golden curls sat perfectly on top of his head. The way he glanced at my lips when we were sitting next to each other. I'm surprised he couldn't hear my heartbeat. We were about to kiss...

I think I'm falling for my hot stepbrother.

I sighed, and walked over to the overly large window and opened it. I walked back to my unpacked bag laying on the floor and searched through it. I really needed to clear my mind.

I finally found my pack of cigarettes. I never smoke unless I'm really stressed. I'm not addicted or anything, but it helps calm me down. I walked back to the window and swung my legs over the edge.  I lit one and inhaled. The warm breeze was blowing against my face.

My mind started to wander back to my old life and what I would probably be doing if everything was normal. I would be playing video games in my room while listening to Fall Out Boy or maybe All Time Low. My thoughts soon began to wander back to Ashton. I couldn't possibly fall for my soon to be stepbrother. It just wasn't right. I mean, I'm adopted and all, so it wouldn't be that big of a problem right? Or, at least that is until school starts back up. Then who know what will happen. It would all just be very weird.

I sighed, and finished off my cigarette. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and sprayed some perfume in my room to get rid of the smell. I wandered back over to my bed and laid down. I really didn't want to go back to sleep, but I knew I should if I didn't want to be overly jet lagged tomorrow. I fell asleep to thought of what it would have been like if Ashton and I had kissed.


I UPDATE FINALLY!!!!!! Hehe ;)

Thanks for all the reads and votes <333

Dedication to: 


Because she inspired me to write in this story again <333

Luv u gois!!!

Lizzy xX

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