12. That's Two Of Us

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-Ashton's PoV-

I walked upstairs, followed by the boys. We had just finished band practice, so we were heading back to my house to relax for a little while. Plus, Luke challenged Calum to Fifa. He just won't give up and admit that Calum is the best at Fifa.

Mum had texted me saying that Sam was at home because they had finished dress shopping. I didn't see her downstairs, so I figured she was in her room. I glanced in her room when I we passed her door. I wasn't expecting to see Sam standing there in a dress. I threw my arm out, to which Luke ran into, but I managed to stop them. I gestured to the boys to look at Sam.

"Wow," said Luke

Sam jumped, before turning around, a shocked expression on her face.

"Wow indeed," said Calum.

"Damn Ash. You have got one hot stepsister," said Michael.

"Yeah. I really do," I managed to breathe out.

A slight blush crept its way onto her cheeks.

"Um, thanks guys," she mumbled, before turning back to the mirror.

Michael coughed at the awkward silence that followed, snapping me out of my thoughts. I also noted that my mouth was wide open before.

"Uh, right. Sam, we will be in the game room," I said, scratching the back of my neck.

"Okay," she replied quietly.

Luke and I literally had to drag Michael and Calum away from her room. Those boys should not be staring at my sister like they want to eat her!

-Luke's PoV-

Ok! It's so obvious! Ashton likes his soon to be stepsister! I mean really. He was the one that glanced in her room and threw his arm out to stop us from walking down the hall. We all ran straight into him and then I looked over at him. HIS JAW WAS WIDE OPEN! HE SO LIKE SAM! AHHHHHH!

"Hey Ash?" I questioned.

"Yeah mate?"

We were currently in the kitchen by ourselves so I figured that I could confront him here.

"Didn't Sam look absolutely stunning wearing that dress?" I said, raising my eyebrows. I wanted to see how much I could get out of Ashton.

"Mate back off," he growled. His grip tightened around the cup he was holding.

"Protective much? You know I don't want her though," I said, smirking. Ashton rolled his eyes at me before continuing.

"I'm just saying. I don't want anything to happen."

"Didn't sound like that to me," I muttered.

"She's just really pretty and fun to hang around!" He sighed and rested his head in his hand.

I raised my eyebrows and smirked at him again. I caught his attention and he quickly realized what he had said.

"No. No. No, I won't have it Hemmings. I don't like her like that," he said, trying to deny everything.

"Oh my gosh Ash!"

"No! No I can't like her!" Both hands were now covering his face.

"It's okay Ash."

"No. It's not. And you better not say anything," he muttered.

 "I won't say anything. Don't worry so much," I said.

"Is it even okay to like her? I mean, she's my soon to be sister so I can't like her. She just, ugh, I don't even know!"

I chuckled at his confusion and shook my head. It's not every day that you get to see a confused Ashton Irwin. The boy is very smart even though he doesn't act like it.

I heard a knock on the door and glanced over at Ash. He didn't look like he was going to get the door, so I decided to. He quickly walked over to the door and unlocked it. Standing there was Jane Cox. The girl I have fancied for two years. I saw her one day when I walked to Ashton's school so that we could go to band practice at Michael's house. She was wearing skinny jeans and a t-shirt that had "Drop Out" on it. She had a Pierce The Veil bracelet on her wrist (Jane's outfit in comments). She glanced up from her phone and saw me standing there.

"Hello. Is Sam here?" she asked.

"Um. Y-yeah," I stammered.

God Luke! Get your shit together! 

Ashton walked over from the kitchen and saw Jane.

"Hey Jane. Um Jane, this is Luke. Luke, Jane," he said.

She half smiled and then turned her attention to Ashton and repeated her question.

"JANE UP HERE!" I head Sam call.

Ashton nodded his head towards the stairs and she headed over that direction.

"Nice meeting you Luke," she called.

We watched her go up the stair, and once she was out of sight Ashton turned to me and shook his head.

"What?" I questioned.

"You made that so obvious that you like her," he said.

"That's two of us then," I replied as we walked up the stairs to the game room where Michael and Calum were probably still playing video games.


Heyo gois!!!

Sorry for the very short chapter :( Mainly filler. I'll hopefully try and update soon, but I can't garantee anything. Thanks for reading!!! Hope u enjoy the story so far.

Luv u gois heaps!!!

Lizzy xX

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