22. Caught Up In My Thoughts

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-Ashton's PoV-

Did she really just say that? Did she really just end everything with me? Everything that she just said hit me hard. My breathing got heavier the more I thought about it. I know I never officially asked her out, but I felt that we didn't need a title to have something special. And she never said anything about it, so I just left it alone. Maybe that's why she ended things between us? Maybe she thought that I wasn't taking our relationship seriously?

I absolutely lost it. All the dignity and self composure that I had was completely flushed down the drain as I fell to my knees and cried my heart out. I knew she wouldn't take the news well. I just knew she wouldn't. But I couldn't let it go unannounced. She had to know. I didn't want to push it off until it was too late. If I had done that, I knew she would have hated me more. I just hadn't thought that she would end it  without a second thought. She did not once tell me that the thought had even crossed her mind. 

If I had known that she felt like I would just leave her in the dust, I would never have told he like this. Granted, I never even thought that this was how I would tell her. But I had to, and the longer I waited the worse it would have been. 

The more I thought about it, the worse I felt. She had questioned what type of love I felt toward her, and more than that, I had questioned myself as well. What the heck is wrong with me?

I leaned my head back against the wall, staring into the empty void of space in front of me. She has every right to hate me. I'm too stupid for her anyway. I'm surprised she even fancied me. Why me of all people? She just... Even when that Josh guy showed up and offered to help her take the flowers in. He was ten times better than me! I couldn't even compete with him! He had to work out and everything.

"Ash?" I heard Luke's voice call.

I turned my head to see Luke peeking at me through the door. I gestured for him to come in. Needless to say he did, while managing to trip over the edge of the door. He has always been a clumsy little boy.

He sat down next to me and we just kind of sat there for a while. I'm glad Luke came. If not I would have been digging a hole to China in my own thoughts and would have to somehow climb out of the deep pit that I would have created. 

"Some wedding, yeah?" he asked, almost sounding unsure of how to start.

"At least my parents enjoyed it," I muttered, knowing that they really were the only ones that enjoyed it. Well, besides the guests and maybe Harry and Lauren.

"Yeah. I guess that's what counts," he replied. "I heard a couple rude things that people were saying about Sam, but I guess that's what happens when two families mix."

"Yeah. I guess that's expected," I said, attempting to sound like it was no big deal. 

I couldn't stop the small scowl that had made it's way onto my face. Sam may have broken things off with me, but that doesn't mean I don't mind that people talk crap about her. She's still my sister, and what I would call my other half, and I need to protect her.

"Hey, sorry Ash. I didn't mean to upset you," said Luke.

I snapped back into reality and pulled the scowl off my face.

"I know Luke," I sighed, as I rested my head back against the wall in attempt to prevent the headache that was forming. 

"I had Calum go ahead and take Michael home. The boy never sleeps and it was clear he was about to pass out," said Luke. "I figured I could drive you home in your car."

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