Author Note

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So heyo gois...

So sorry if u thought this was an update. I promise I try really hard to update, but it's kind of hard bc school and all that shit. And I know I said earlier when I started this book that I would try not to have any author notes in this story. Sorry for this, but I wanted to tell u gois something.

I got a message from someone saying that this book is disgusting... It really confuses me bc there's no incest or anything in this and I really don't see how there is really anything disgusting about it. The girl that sent me the message continuously talked about how terribly written the book was and how fast pace it is. She kept commenting on my writing and how unprofessional it sounds. She said it's "fucking awful how increadibly cheesey all of your writing sounds".

It hurts. It really does. I'm a 17 years old high school student in the USA. I'm sorry if I don't always use perfect grammar or if I have a spelling mistake. I really do put effort into this bc I enjoy it. To hear that my story is disgusting is very demoralizing. I'm not perfect. No where near. If I must I'll tell u that I don't have a boyfriend, most boys hate me, I'm antisocial, and I hate how I live in fear of some ppl finding this account and using it against me. I'm horrified of the stuff ppl could use against me if they find this account... There's nothing more to it than that. I really put myself at risk by putting stuff up for everyone to see. It's up there for criticism and hate. And I understand that. I really don't mind feedback. It really does help, along with suggestions. It really just gets to me when someone tells me I am awful at what I love to do.

I write bc it's the one place that I can do what I want. I control the story and say how it ends. That's why I write. And to hear that I am awful at what I love is one of the worst things that I could ever hear. I am a 17 year old student who is attempting to put together a story that ppl will love. I know not everyone will enjoy it, but I really would prefer that if u hate it, not say anything and go read what u love. I feel that that goes for everyone. There's no need to hate bc it really just hurts everyone. I can't control ur actions, but I can advise u that it's best to be quiet sometimes. It might not seem bad to u to voice ur opinions, but please consider others before u comment. If there really is nothing nice u have to say, it's best not to say anything.

So basically the point of this was to let u gois know that I am human. I make mistakes and I know I'm not perfect. I try my best to make u gois happy and I love every single one of u. Please be considerate of others when commenting and I really wish I didn't have to do something like this. But I felt that it needed to be addressed. It really does hurt to hear something like that.

To the person that told me that my writing is awful: If ur reading this (u know who u are) I hope u feel accomplished in making me feel awful about myself. I hope u realize that people have feelings. Please don't ever look at my profile, books, or followers/readers ever. My followers and readers are the best things that have ever happened to me and I love them all. If u ever mess with any of them I personally will report u and I hope u go to hell. My followers and readers mean everything to me even if they are halfway around the world.

Sorry for dumping all this on u gois, and thank u for reading all the way down here if u did. It really does mean a lot to me. Know that I do love all of u just for reading my story and I really do love to hear how much everyone enjoys the books I write. I went back and started editing Chances (Ashton Irwin Fanfic), my other story, and I realized just how terrible my writing was back then... But that's how u improve. And that's also how I got into writing, so I really have to tell u gois that this book wouldn't be here if I didn't write Chances.

Thanks again for reading and thanks for all the lovely votes u gois give this story. If u read Chances as well, I love u sooooooo much for sticking around and reading this! It really does mean the world to me! I love u gois and I really can never forget about all of u. I do see all the votes and ppl that add my stories to their reading lists. So just so u know, I always smile whenever I see the votes and comments. U gois really make my day bc I never have ever asked for any vote or comment and it really does surprise me that lots of u do. I read every single comment and see every single vote that ever happens, so know that I thank everyone that has ever said anything sweet or voted. I couldn't ask for better readers!

Luv u gois to the moon and back <333

Lizzy xX

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