Torture begins

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I wake up I'm in the cell and  Daniel is sitting on a chair he's holding a belt and is staring at the floor. I look up and  my hands are tied up to the ceiling in chains and my feet are also tied up with chains,I'm also naked.he sees I've awaken and gets up he starts walking around me and I start hyperventilating

Daniel hits the wall with the belt making me flinch "you've been a bad girl" he stops and stares at me "and I'm fucking tired of it!!!" He hits the wall again causing a loud noise I flinch again and start crying. Daniel walks behind me I'm so scared I can't see him and I don't know what he's gonna do.

"AHH!!" I wince in pain when I feel him strike me with the belt on my back. I start crying non stop " please stop Daniel!"

"No!! You have to" he strikes me again and I let out a yell "learn!!" He stops and walks up to stand in front of me,he grabs my face tightly "this is for all the times you've disobeyed me!" He goes behind me again and I feel the sting of the belt striking my back again, I've never felt so much pain "this is for running away the first time!" He strikes me again on my thigh and I let out another loud yell "this is for trying to run away today!!!"

"ST-" I try talking but he strikes me again taking my breath away

"This one is for talking back" he strikes me near my shoulder "this one is for fighting back!!!" He strikes me twice on my thigh. I can't stop yelling and crying. He hits me three more times but then stops. Daniel stands infront of me as my head is down "I hope you've learned your lesson because next time I'll have no mercy!!" His phone rings

"Oh you're here?.....okay Im coming....don't wander around I'll be there" he hangs up and walks away leaving me here in pain.

I've been in the cell tied up for two days ,no food,no drink,nothing!! I'm in pain and every time I move even more pain shoots. I hear the door being open but I don't look up because I'm scared to and if I lift my head up pain will shoot down my spine

"You're lucky he has some mercy with you" the guy starts taking the chains off my arm "by now his other slaves would've been dead" once my arms are not tied up I fall to the ground I'm too weak to stand "I don't know why he wants you alive though" he doesn't take the chains off my feet instead he puts the chains back on my hand and picks me up pain shoots through my body even more

"T-to torture m-me.." Those three words felt impossible to say and I could barely say them for my throat is dry. The guy doesn't responds. He carries me back in the house. He let's me go when we enter the house and I fall to the floor. I try getting up but my feet and legs are too weak

"What's up with her" I hear Daniel casually say. I hate him so much I wanna kill him!

"I don't know boss"

"Huh, well you can go I got her" I feel his presence come closer to me. I start to tremble I'm naked and in severe conditions "did you learn your lesson?"

I nod and start crying "yes.."

"Good good now,get up"

I sigh "I would I-if I could b-but I can't.." There's silence and I wait for the worst but all I feel is hands wrapped around me and Daniel picks me up

"Good answer" he takes me to my room and lays me on the bed,my back facing the air "LUCY!" He yells and I flinch,I hear footsteps

"Yes mr.whitemin" the maid says

"Clean her up"

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