Chapter 36: Better than food

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Chapter 36: Better than food

Disclaimer: Don't Own glee or music

A/N: thank you for reading I just reach 4K ahahahahhahahahahaha im so happy thank u guys so much

Rachels POV

"FINN!" I yelled with my hands on my hips running into the choir room seeing everyone sitting in there seats.

"Yes Darling?" He chuckled giving me a soft grin

"My gum, Honey" I said sarcastically

"What the hell is going on now!" Mercedes said rolling her eyes.

"Nothing" I answered "Finn give me my gum please!"

"um, No" He answered so I walked up the top from took his face in mine and fought his tongue for the sticky ball in the back of his throat.

"Ha, I win!" I said blowing a bubble with the ABC gum in my mouth.

"Well that was the most disgusting thing ever!" Tina said awkwardly

"Really, I just got so use to it I cant even tell when there going at it" Kurt said sarcastically.

"Moving on!" I said awkwardly "Where's ?"

"No one has seen him" Quinn said having a smile creep upon my face.

"Well then I guess ill have to lead the club today" I said standing up in the front.

"Your kidding me right?" Everyone groaned

"Before we start I need to say something to the VERY annoying Rachel!" Whitney said standing up with her hands on her hips giving me a dirty look.

"Whitney, no drama in class remember?" I said glaring back

"Yeah, Well I don't see Do you?" She said smugly "I know you wrote that Valentines card."

"What? I have no idea what your talking about!" I said angry, how did she find out? Finn, Puck and Quinn were giving me a knowing glare.

"Jacob Told Me"

"shit" I mumbled loud enough to get a gasp from her.

"Its True! Why the hell would you do that!" She asked getting even more mad.

"Because, you need to back of Finn!" I yelled "Maybe if you got a boyfriend you would leave mine alone!"

"Well I have a boyfriend!" She said angry

"Really, thank god!" I said relieved

"Who?" Quinn asked

"His Name is Flynn, hes on the football team." She said proudly.

Flynn, hmm well that Doesn't Sound Like Finn at all. "Wow, okay so you got a boyfriend just like Finn?"


"You know what I don't even mind, as long as you keep your hands off Finn I don't even care what happens to you!" I said grabbing Finns hand and walking towards the door.

"Class is over now that isn't here, do whatever you want!" I said storming out with Finn with Quinn and Puck close behind.

I was going to kill Jacob! What was his problem? I thought he loved me, right?

"I cant believe Jacob, im going to KILL him!" I said angry

"Its okay Rach, she has a new boyfriend remember?" Finn said smoothing down my hair

"I know, FLYNN! Whose on the football team! You know shes only trying to get a guy like you!" I said gritting my teeth

"Finn, Finn! What did you do?" I asked as Finns face was suddenly lighten up after my last comment.

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