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The crackling and sweltering fire swirled with embers flickering up to the night sky, only to be swallowed into the darkness. My eyes fluttered and adjusted to the dark lighting as my head ached with a sharp pain. I sluggishly sat up, squinting as the fire heated up my body as if I was inside it. Slowly, I scanned my surroundings, noticing I was in a gloomy forest. Behind me, were multiple tents sturdy with wood and cloth tightly stitched together.

"You're short," a voice with a thick British accent spoke softly.

In front of me, past the swirling fire, a boy sat on a log. He wore an outfit in all green along with a brown belt and cufflinks. His elbows rested on his knees as his head laid on his knuckles. The fire made his pale skin glow a faint orange as he sat there. His chestnut locks swept messily to the side and an eyebrow was cocked as he watched me.

"What's your name, girl?" He questioned. He stands up, slightly grunting as his arms helped him boost up. He walks toward me, his boots crunching against fallen leaves.

I open my mouth to speak, only to clamp it shut. My brows furrowed at the lost memory of my name.

A sudden sly smirk was painted across the boy's face. "Don't remember? That's normal. Good, in fact."

"W-Who are you?" I stammered as my nails dug into the soft earth below me.

He crouches down, his green eyes twinkling with amusement. "I'm Peter, Peter Pan." He introduces as he holds my gaze.

Peter continues to observe me, slightly smiling. I had no doubt that I looked ridiculous, sitting on the ground, confused with why I was here, who I am, and what Peter Pan was planning to do with me.

"Now, we need to give you a name, darling." He said, an even bigger, yet warm, smile upon his face.

I shrug my shoulders, his voice echoing in my ears. "How about something like Jenny, or Sylvia?"

His nose scrunches with a chuckle, "too simple. Not creative enough." He leans forward, inches away from my face. "Pale blonde hair, slight tan, and icy blue eyes." Peter tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. "Winter, that's your new name... Winter."

I shrug my shoulders again. "Sure."

Peter's smile grows into a smirk. "Well, Winter, Welcome to Neverland."

I furrow my brows, "Neverland? How did I get here? what even is Neverland?"

He chuckles, standing up and brushing off his pants. "Simply because you asked to be here. You believed." He stretches his hand towards me. "C'mon Winter. We'll get you organized tomorrow. Right now, you need to rest."

I nod my head as I grabbed his hand, our fingers locking together like two puzzle pieces. Peter looks at my hand entwined with his, pursing his lips into a thin line, and his eyes an empty green. Then, he jerks me forward, making me grunt, and leads me to a tent.

Peter clears his throat. "This is our spare tent. You can use it, of course," he breathes out a heavy sigh. "Um, my tent is right next to yours." He points to the tent left of mine. "Sleep well, Winter. I promise you everything will make sense soon." He slips into his tent, the orange glow of a candle faded away from inside.

I shakily sigh and open the flap of the tent. Inside was a little bed, a nightstand, and a chest at the foot of the bed. It was small, but cozy. The candle placed on the dresser flickered with orange. I wearily trudge to the bed, pulling back the blankets. I slip off my mud covered socks and brushed off the dirt on my blue T-shirt and black leggings before slipping into the bed.

Peter's words rang in my head, "I promise you everything will make sense soon."


A/N: New story! I know, I know, I am already working on two stories but hey, when you have a good idea, you have to write it down. 688 word count.

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