The New Queen

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I awoke in the comfort of my bed. I stretched my arms up into the air and yawned. Sunlight poured through the threads of the tent, and the sound of endless chatter could be heard from the boys that would eventually turn into loud arguments of one talking over another.

I slip on my boots that were neatly set against my bed and ran out of the tent. My eyes widen at what I saw. The boys held their weapons, pointing them towards the one and only, Peter Pan. A confused but in disbelief expression was smacked across his face when he was being turned on by his only family. His eyes widened even more when he saw me.

"Hunter, what's going on?" I questioned softly when I approached him.

Hunter keeps his gaze on Peter, pointing a finger at him. "He broke his own rules, and he hurt an innocent!"

The boys shouted more insults at Peter, his cheeks glowing a bright red.

"Why should we have a leader that can turn into some diabolical demon at any second?!" Tame inquired, which was followed by cheers and hollering.

"Why should Pan even be our leader in the first place? He's useless now! He's powerless!" Arrow pointed out, aiming a crossbow at Peter.

I shake my head, stomping my foot, "ENOUGH!"

All of the boys immediately clamped their mouths shut and turned towards me. Most were wide eyed, staring at me as if they were saying, "damn, that girl's got a voice."

I took a deep breath, "first of all, violence is not the answer. Secondly, Peter is the ruler and we can't do anything about it."

"Not unless we kick him out from this camp," Falcon murmured.

Peter, who had been standing at the edge of the camp, shook his head, his sly grin creeping back onto his face. "No boy can kick me out and become the King of Neverland."

Hunter nods his head, "right, we can't," he gestures to the boys. "But you never said anything about a she. In that case, she can." He pointed a finger at me, but not taking his eyes off of Peter.

Peter's face turned dead white, his face falling with absolute defeat. My cheeks started to grow hot. Well, that wasn't what I was going for....

"All in favor of abandoning Peter Pan from the Lost Boys, raise your hand," Wolf said, staring at the ground.

Every boy except Blade and Archer, raised their hands high in the air without the slightest bit of hesitation. My heart was pounding in my head, my cheeks growing red as I looked at them all with wide eyes. Peter was blinking furiously as he stared at the only people he knew as his family. He bit his lip and looked away, sniffling. A twinge of guilt had flushed through me for a second, until the thoughts of him throwing me into Dark Hollow played in my mind.

Peter stumbled backwards, turning around and darting into the forest. I sigh, "this isn't good at all."

"But now you're the ruler." Hunter smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I sigh and pull away, "yeah but Peter still has his brutal shadow."

"So?" Hunter raised an eyebrow. "Peter is powerless and he wouldn't dare kill us."

"He might not, but the demon will," Blade spoke softly. "I'm sure that demon is beyond pissed right now, and it's making Winter more of a target to destroy." A smirk started to play on his lips as he continuously stared at the blade of his knife.

"And I don't think he's completely powerless," I added. "He teleported me from the Aqua Speculo to Dark Hollow."

Archer shakes his head, "no, that wasn't him. That cave is filled with power. One of its purposes is to heal."

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