The Lost Boy

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The days were passing by with the same routine everyday. Peter was now just as equal as his boys. Though, he barely spoke, keeping to himself and doing his chores. I watched him as he sharpened knives or prepared a meal. I could see past the shell of a mask he had put on. The poor boy's heart was aching inside, and I could feel it, too.

During a bright, and warm afternoon, a scream had pierced through my ears while I was picking berries on the west side of the camp. The scream had came so suddenly that I gasped and stood up from my kneeling position.

I ran to the center of the camp to see Peter curled up into a fetus position, his whole body trembling.

"Peter! What's wrong?! Peter, please talk to me!" I shouted at him with widened eyes. But Peter's sobs were the only thing that escaped his lips, burying his head into his knees. The Lost Boys had gathered around Peter, watching him. None of us tried to do anything, nothing would help the poor boy anyway.

During a silent night, Peter snuck out of bed, while I pretended to sleep. I followed him close behind, my feet silent against the dirt path. He came to a cliff, waves crashing below it, and grabbed a vial of a dust inside it. Tears ran down his cheeks as he stared at the vial. He closed his eyes and dropped the vial below his feet, taking a deep breath before jumping.

I screamed, and without thinking, I broke into a run and jumped as well.

The water was freezing, filling in my lungs and pushing me towards the sharp rocks. I swam to the surface, gasping for air and frantically looking for any sign of Peter. My arms and legs fought against the current as I swam around, trying to find him. I tried to yell, but the cold air had numbed my throat.

Tears were starting to brim my eyes and my heart was aching slowly from losing hope. I shook my head, my heart refusing to believe that it was true.

Peter Pan was dead.



I crawled myself to shore, my throat burning from the salted water that had filled my lungs. My hands collected fistfuls of sand as I rested my body.

At the moment I was on the cliff, my heart felt the need to die, to let go of my pain, my tears and sorrow. Though I could not cry, for the risk of the dreaded demon inside me would have given me more pain. I continued to ponder at death itself.

And then I heard the scream of Winter. It was then, when my body had been numbed by the freezing water that I wanted to live. I wanted to live for her...


The faint sound of someone calling my name could be heard as it echoed in my ears. Along with the sound of crashing waves and the many calls of the seagulls. My eyes fluttered open and I sat up, the sunlight pouring into my vision as if greeting me to the new day.

"Peter!" The voice called again, their hands caressing my face with their soft touch. I blinked multiple times before my vision was adjusted to the sunlight. Winter was inches away from me, her icy blue eyes wide as she looked at me.

"I'm okay," I muttered. She shakes her head, tears beginning to fall. "Peter, I thought you were dead!"

Then she hugs me, knocking me backwards into the white sand. Hesitantly, I wrap my arms around her, closing my eyes. "I'm sorry..."

  "Peter, we will figure out how to save you. Don't lose hope." She pulls away from me, standing up.

I sigh, standing up as well. "But we don't even know where to start. Let me just take you home, back where you belong."

Winter crosses her arms, "I belong here, with you. I'm here to save you and make you happy." She turns her body towards the water. "We'll find a way, I promise. As long as there's still the angel part of you, we can turn you back to what you once were."

"Or what if I could control it somehow?" I questioned.

Winter sighs, "Peter, you don't have your powers back because of the demon. However, it's worth a shot to try, the only question is, how are we going to get the demon to want to take over you again?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I guess we'll have to wait."

"Right, until then, can you not act all depressed?"

My mind had suddenly filled with the memories of Wolf... Felix... My only friend. I held back the tears, my eyes and heart aching to let my sorrows free. "Every time I go back to camp, I-I see him in my head, and I.. I can't help but think that I am a monster..."

She steps closer to me, taking my hand. "Peter, you are no monster." She turns my hands over, my palms facing the sky. Then, she takes off my cuffs, revealing the many scars on my wrists. Each one held a story, and each one had shown me my strengths, and my weaknesses. "You are full of love, Peter. You are such a loving person that when your heart is broken, you crumble."

I scoff, "I don't love, not anymore."


Winter smirks, "love comes in many ways, whether it is friendship, loyalty, or true love. You loved Felix with all of your heart, Peter."

I look down, staring at the sand and slowly nodding my head. "I did..."

She smiles, "Peter, one thing a demon cannot break is love. Love, is the most powerful thing in the world. That's why it's so dangerous, too."

"I know."

"Then use it as your strength, Peter, not your weakness," she said, letting go of my hands.

I frown, "how can I when I have nothing to live for? Nothing to love?"

Winter raises a brow, "why say that? Of course you have something to live for."

Crossing my arms, I say, "and what would that be?"

Winter's eyes twinkled as a smile as sweet as honey was painted across her face. "Me."


A/N: That moment you add in the Panlix feels and kind of die. I'm excited for the next chapter lol, it's going to be painful. BUT I would like to say: TYSM FOR 9K READS. This is so exciting for me as I continue to grow as a writer even though I'm a piece of trash 14 year old writer.... yes I'm 14. XD. Please click that star button if you're loving Counting Scars so far!

Word count: 1,126

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