Aqua Speculo

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"Did you boys know he was claustrophobic?" I questioned, helping Peter to his feet.

They all shake their heads, looking away from Peter.

I turn my head to him. "You never told them you were claustrophobic?"

He scoffs, "I'm not claustrophobic!"

"Peter," I scold. "Alright, if you aren't claustrophobic, then get back in the cage and show us."

His face fell immediately. Slowly, he walks to the cage, his breathing grows heavy with each step. Right when he was about to crouch down and enter, he stops and bolts into the dark green trees ahead.

"Peter!" I yelled as I ran after him. "Peter, please stop!"

I ran after him as fast as my legs could take me. It was an unfamiliar path that appeared to be crowded with bushes covered in razor sharp thorns and a dark sap.

I ran until my lungs could not handle anymore sharp breaths of air. I scanned my surroundings noticing three immense pine trees, one in particular was blooming with little, pink flowers on its branches. Sounds filled the air of birds chirping sweetly, wind hissing softly, and....

The sobs of a despairing boy.

The sobs were coming from behind the middle pine tree. I quickly walk around it, kneeling down to see Peter. His knees were pulled up to his chest as his forehead rested on them. His arms wrapped around his legs tightly, his nails digging into his skin. Not once did he look up at me to see who approached him.

"Peter," I spoke softly. "I'm sorry if I humiliated you, I was just trying to prove a point."

No answer.

I sigh and sit next to him, leaning back against the tree's rough bark. "I have a fear of heights, do you remember that?"

He lifts up his head and looks at me, a slight smile starting to form on his face. "Yeah, I remember. You would freak out every time I picked you up because you thought I was going to lift off into the air."

I smile, "yep. Peter, everyone has a phobia or a fear. It's part of being human."

He sniffles and wipes the streaming tears off his face using the back of his hand.

And then I did something quite unexpected.

I hugged him, and I hugged him tightly.

Surprisingly, he hugged me back, laying his head on my shoulder like we were more than just two kids that knew each other's names.

I smile warmly until I notice something glinting from the sunlight. I reach my arm towards the object, my eyes widening when I realized what it was.

A dagger.

I wrapped my hand around the handle and examined it. One side of the blade was covered in a dark red. My eyes widened even more when I noticed that the blood was not dried up, but still a liquid.

I pull out of the hug. A worried expression upon my face. "Peter, would you care to explain this?" I asked while holding the dagger in front of him.

The smile that was on his face faded away instantly. He looks away from me, shrugging his shoulders as he placed his arms behind his back.

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