Despairing the Demon

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"Bloody hell," Peter muttered as he was attempting to cut a tomato. To my surprise, he was helping Tame and Hunter prepare a meal for the boys. He cuts another slice of the tomato only to have the contents inside squirt onto his face.

"Bloody hell!" Peter groans as he slams the knife on the table. I stand up from the chair I had been sitting on and grab the knife.

"Let me teach you."

He scoffs and shakes his head, taking back the knife. "I don't need help."

He cuts another slice and it splats all over the table. Peter clenches his teeth, taking a deep breath, his knuckles turning white as he tightened his grip on the knife.

I roll my eyes and place my hand on his. "You have to be gentle. Ever heard of it?" I mocked.

He growls, I did not have to even glance at him to know that he was glaring at me.

"Anyway, you let the knife do the cutting part, just move the knife back and forth," I instructed. I help him cut a slice of the tomato with him. The slice was cut perfectly where every content was inside. "See? Easy."

He nods his head and cuts another slice without me. When it was cut nicely, he smiled. However, he quickly swapped it with a scoff.

"I was just messing with you. Of course I know how to cut a tomato." He rolls his eyes violently.

I smirk, "you better stop rolling your eyes or else they'll roll out of their sockets."

He sticks his tongue out at me and continues his tomato cutting.


I knew deep down inside of me that I did not belong here. Ever since I woke up near the sweltering fire and saw Peter's playful green eyes, I have never felt right. It may have been the fact that I was surrounded by boys, and only boys. Or maybe the fact that I got here only a day ago. Or maybe it could have been that I was completely clueless on just about everything.

I do not recall my name still. I do not even remember my life before I woke up on Neverland. Did I have a family? Was I loved? Did Peter take me here? Did he force me to come? Or did I simply ask to?

I groaned as I rolled over to my side. It was beyond curfew, I knew that. I wanted to sleep, I wanted to close my eyes and drift off. But my head, my thoughts, my brain was only imaging the one and only Peter Pan.

That's what I hated most about Peter. Besides his taunting smirks, his iniquitous remarks, and vexed attitudes, it was also his face that makes me irated and perplexed.

Demons seem to come with pretty faces, my mind told me. But what of angels? What do they come with? Because I had forced myself to believe that Peter was not an immoral demon, but an angel trapped in the darkness. Peter still had a heart inside of him. He still had a candle in his soul, a soul clouded with black and attempting to swallow the light. Would it be possible to clear away the darkness? Could I help him? After all, he did refer me to an angel.

I turn my body to the other side, the cool mattress was soothing, yet it only made me even more awake. I sigh and continue my thinking, my dreaming.

Peter was very beauteous without a doubt. His pale skin, his forest green eyes. If I stared at those eyes, I could get lost in them like I would in any forest. His hair, how peculiar it was. It was not brown but not blonde. It was more of a light brown with streaks of blonde mixing with it as it swooshed to the side. His lips, pink and plump, yet almost looked forlorn, desolate, and cold.

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